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Izzy sighed, standing at the balcony of Lokis room, staring out at the darkness beyond Asgard, thinking of her hero, her son, knowing that for them it had been a few days, when for her it had been hours. She turned her head, glancing to the bathroom door, knowing exactly what Loki was doing, she could feel it, and though it was hard to fight against the desire, she wasn't going to get herself off to anyone other than her hero. She hated that she had to do this, to torture herself and Loki, playing this game, but he had assured her, he would not let it go further than what was needed.

Looking down at herself, wearing his shirt, she lifted the front, inhaling his scent. This was as close as she could get, the physical affection, and it was breaking her, that she was hurting both her husbands, but she was first and foremost, Tonys. She would be loyal, always. Smiling at the memories, of when they first met, their first kiss, first time together, all the way to when she had left earth, there was no way anyone was going to stop her from getting back to her hero and son.

When the door opened behind her, she didn't look, just took in the beauty of this world. Such a shame, she was going to destroy it, bring Odin to his knees... 'I can hear in the silence, you are thinking of something malevolent..'.. She heard Loki behind her, and he moved to her side.

'Just imagining the sounds of Odins bones breaking, as I make him bend, kneel before me. To his pitiful pleas as he begs for mercy, which I will never grant him..'.. She smiled, turning her head to him... 'What do you want me to do to him?..'

Loki smiled back, cupping her chin... 'Make him throw the torch. Make him burn his world to ash, for his people to see the truth of what he is. I want him to hear their screams of terror, that his blood runs through the streets, while we stand on the edge of it all, showing the universe, we are one..'

'This is all foreplay, you know that right?..'.. She chuckled, tilting her face into his palm... 'You'll have a very long wait for me..'

'And every second, is worth it..'.. He dropped his hand... 'Come darling, we should sleep..'.. He took her hand, and guided her to the bed. He hated to see that this distance from Stark and their son was hurting her, but this, this he was able to do. Frigga wasn't the only one to wield magic, and through what she did to them, he was able to create a dreamworld for his wife and Stark.

As she settled in, he got into bed next to her, and she shifted, laying her head on his bare chest, his arm around her back giving her comfort... 'Sleep Isabel, I am right here..'.. He murmured into her hair, and closed his eyes, wondering what trouble they could cause tomorrow.


Tony sighed, not wanting to feel defeated, but as he was informed, time moves differently in Asgard. This was the third day since she had left with the two gods, and it put him on edge. He didn't want to hear those insecurities in his head, but focused more on what his heart was telling him. Izzy was loyal, she was his, no matter what and she wouldn't break his trust.

'You ready?..'.. He looked up, seeing Bruce stood with Steve and Bucky, all four of them in the med bay. Each night he had slept here, hooked up so Friday can run tests, and monitor his readings. Izzy had told him that Loki had created a dreamworld for them, so they could see each other, when they both slept, but it was trying to figure out the when they would see each other.

'Yeah, let's do this..'.. He nodded and got onto the bed, shifting to get comfortable... 'Who's got Caleb tonight?..'

'Nat. She'll take care of him Tony..'.. Bruce put a hand to his shoulder.

'Oh I know. That's her nephew, same with the rest of them. I'd feel sorry for anyone who dared to take Caleb from one of the girls, they'd be worse than me..'.. He chuckled lightly.

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