A Bad Day (Jensen x Misha)

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~ Misha Pov ~

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~ Misha Pov ~

It's been a long day and Jensen was out on stage, the guys backstage said he had been having a bad day and wanted me to go out to cheer him up. I stood behind the curtain watching Jensen's tense body and stoic expression, it was hard for me to watch him. I was his best friend and he could barely speak, his face was emotionless as Jared answers all the questions.



"Maybe you should have a word with him when he gets off"

"Yeah, he isn't himself today"

The lady walks off and I crossed my arms as my focus goes back to Jensen, he side glances me and clenched his jaw. Jared was standing demonstrating something about the show when Jensen was looking down at the microphone with puffy eyes, I look over at the lady and signalled to her that we should cut it.

"He's about to get very emotional, we need to get him off stage now"


The curtains dropped and Jared was confused about it, which also caused the crowd to get rowdy. The boys come off stage and I grabbed Jensen's arm, I pull him into a room as he doesn't protest and just quietly stands there, I tilt my head and gaze into his eyes. Jensen's eyes were dull and his body seemed down.

"What's wrong Jensen?"

He doesn't respond and instead turns his back to me, I was taken back by his actions and walk around to face him. This time I tried a different approach and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him down to the crook of my neck, he tenses and nuzzles into my shoulder. His body relaxes as his strong arms wrap around my waist to pull me close and sniffles, I stroke his hair softly and whisper sweet words.

"I'm sorry that you have been having a rough day, but you should say something to me so that I can help"

He doesn't respond again and tightens his grip, we stay like this for awhile and I was starting to get back pain from how strong Jensen's arm were. I was on my tippy toes too which caused me more pain and I was afraid to move, Jensen really needed this hug and comfort. I still didn't know what was wrong and I wasn't going to pry, Jensen pulls away and wipes his eyes.


His voice croaked and sounded out of it, I noticed a couch in the corner and thought of a good idea.

"Hey Jensen, why don't you relax here"

I guided Jensen over to the couch and he lays down, I covered him with a blanket before turning my back. But he grabs my wrist before I could walk away and I looked down at him.

"Stay... please"

The desperation in his voice caused my heart to break and I look over at the door before sighing, I nodded taking my shoes and coat off. Jensen moves on his side and opens the blanket for me, I get in with my head laying on his arm and scooted closer to him. Jensen puts his other arm around me and holds me close, I tense a little and stare out the open door.

~ Jared Pov ~

I had been searching for Jensen and Misha for hours now, we were supposed to catch the plane and we had missed it. I heard light snoring coming from the meeting room and followed it to the doorway, I smiled softly seeing Jensen holding Misha in his sleep and they were sleeping together. It was the cutest thing ever and I had noticed Jensen was off when we had gotten on stage, I was trying to keep the fans off him and that's when the curtains came down.

"Hey Jared, did you find-"

The lady looks at the two sleeping and decides to close the door, I stuffed my hands into my pocket and walk back to the others.

"It's been a tough time for Jensen"

"Yeah, what's the matter with him?"

"I don't know, he won't tell me"

I just hope he's okay...

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