Too Lazy (Dean x Castiel)

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~ Dean Pov ~

It had been a long day of trying to catch the thing that was killing innocent people and we haven't even found anything, so we got us a room and decided to do more research. Sam was currently in the library looking for books and I was sitting on the couch reading, Castiel popped in and leans agaisnt my side.

"Hey Cas"

"Hello Dean"

I put my arm around him and go back to the book, Castiel grabs a book off the coffee table and joins me in the search. Sam comes back with nothing and sits at the table with his laptop, we didn't even know what we were looking for and no clues as to what it was. Sam had called Bobby for help as well and Bobby was busy searching at home, I yawned loudly and take another swallow of beer. Castiel sighs stretching out and lays his head on my shoulder as I had shifted to curl towards him.

"I'm going out for a coffee run... you guys want anything?"

"Nah, I'm good with beer"

"No thank you, Sam"

Sam leaves the room and I put the book to the side, I rested my arm over Castiel's chest and the other laid on my leg. Castiel holds my arm and leans more into my shoulder as I rested my head against his head. I sigh softly and close my eyes.

"We should be researching"

"I'm tired Cas and too lazy"

"Fair enough, I'll join you then"

~ Sam Pov ~

I stood to the side and crossed my arms, I had ordered a large coffee to make sure I'd stay awake and concentrate on the work.


I raised my hand as I walked up to the counter and collect my order, I got back to Dean's car and start it up. It was a short drive to the motel, I parked in front of our room and get out. I entered the room and noticed it was quiet, I set down the keys and look into the next room where Dean and Castiel were sleeping. I frowned knowing that it was Dean's way of saying 'I don't want to do more research'.

"You adorable assholes aren't getting out of research that easy... besides you don't even sleep Cas!"


Castiel adjusted his sleeping posture and Dean groans holding him tighter, I sighed in annoyance and took a swallow of my coffee. I wasn't going to fight with these boys because I'm too tired and need the energy for doing the research. I sat at the table in front of my laptop and looked over what I had, my phone started buzzing and picked up the call.

"Hey Bobby"

"Hey Sam, I got something... it looks like your dealing with a really bad ghost haunting"

"Okay, that's great Bobby thanks"


I put my phone on the table and look back over at the boys, I sighed again closing my laptop and take my coat off.

These boys are too lazy...

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