Nightmares (Sam x Dean)

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~ Sam Pov ~

Dean had been acting differently and zoning out a lot, we were staying at Bobby's place for the past two weeks. Dean was drinking alot more then usual and staying up all hours of the night, it made me worry. I had tried to get him to talk to me and tell me what was going on, but he wouldn't or he would just change the subject. I was sitting on the couch reading with my legs stretched out across the couch and my back leaning against the arm rest, Dean was in the kitchen making himself lunch and making a lot of noise. Bobby was out doing errands, which meant it was just us in the house and this was my chance to get the truth out of Dean. It has been days since I last asked and I had been researching possible diagnoses for Dean's situation. So far I only have sleep deprived, depression and insomnia. But all the symptoms didn't match what Dean had other then insomnia, it was a tricky one to figure out. Dean came and lifted my legs up, I watched him plonk down with the tv remote and a mug in his hands. He places my legs across his lap and turns on the tv, I stared at him and noticed dark circles under his eyes. He also yawned more then usual and drank a lot of coffee too, it was like he was trying to prevent himself from falling asleep. Dean had also become very quiet and droopy, I decided to confront him about what was happening and get the truth.



Dean turns the tv off and looks over at me, I pulled my legs away and sit up more.

"What is wrong? Why are you acting like this Dean?"

Dean looks away and sighs.

"I've been having nightmares, Sam... I can't sleep"

I felt really bad and Dean just looked really tired, I could tell he wanted to sleep. So I opened my arms up and move my legs to the sides, Dean gives me a weird look and tilts his head.

"Come on you"

Dean looks away and then puts the remote down before crawling into my embrace with his head laying on my shoulder, I wrap my arms around him and softly run my fingers up and down his forearm. I continued to read my book and watch over Dean while he slept, I felt Dean twitching and moving. I look down and noticed his face scrunch up, it was like he was having a nightmare. I spoke softly and continued to stoke his forearm, which put him back into a peaceful slumber and stopped moving around.


It was dark, Dean had just woken up and lifts his head. He already looked so much better and I had finished my book, Dean sits up and holds his head with a groan.

"Feeling better?"

"Much... I think I'm going to have a shower"

"Good idea"

Dean gets up and walks out the room, I get up and go to the kitchen. Bobby was standing there by the fridge grabbing a beer and looks over at me, I smiled as he passes me one and Bobby joins me at the table.

"So how's Dean?"

"He isn't too bad"

"That's good because he looks so tired"

"Yeah, but he slept quite well with me"

I took a huge swallow of beer and relax back in the chair, Bobby was already halfway through his drink and was eating the nuts from the table. I heard footsteps and turned my head, Dean was standing there looking a little shy and was wearing sweatpants and a black shirt with my coat.

"Um Sam?... do you think we can sleep together"

"Oh yeah of course... now?"

Dean nods looking away and semi hiding behind the wall, I chugged the rest of my drink and smiled at Bobby. I walk over to Dean and put my arm around him as we head upstairs to the bedroom, I took my shoes and coat off. I got in bed with Dean and turned on my side, Dean moves back and I put my arm around him interlacing our fingers as I cup Dean's face. My other arm was trapped underneath the pillow where Dean's head was laying on, I kissed his shoulder and watched his body relax.

"Night Dean"

Sleep well...

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