A Wet Day (Dean x Castiel)

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~ Dean Pov ~

Sam hadn't been answering his phone and he had my car, we got kicked out the motel and I was walking along the road side with Castiel. He was holding my hand as he was looking around and touching the leaves, I growled putting my phone in my pocket and throw my duffel bag over my shoulder. It was a pain, Sam had gone out to follow a lead and Castiel got us kicked out for touching the owner's wife's boobs in front of him. I sighed shaking my head as that thought repeated itself and tightened my grip on Castiel's hand, it was like having a child as a boyfriend and sometimes it was a pain. I was suddenly pulled out my thoughts when Castiel comes to a stop and tugs my hand, I turned to look behind me at Castiel with confusion.

"What is it, Cas?"

"Have you looked at the weather?"

He points to the sky and I looked up, the sky was grey and cloudy. It thundered and rain started to fall lightly, I dragged Castiel to the tree line and he takes off his trench coat to cover us. I put the duffel bag in front of us and Castiel comes closer for warmth, I hold the coat up for us.



"I'm sorry about getting us kicked out"

"It's alright, just don't do it again"

Castiel nods and I slightly leaned down, Castiel tilts his head as his hands were placed on my shoulder and our lips were close. Castiel closes his eyes as his hand rests on the back of my neck and I look at his face before kissing him tenderly, I pushed my lips against his and Castiel leans into me more.



Castiel moans between our kisses and comes impossibly closer, I smirked and asked for permission. Castiel opens his mouth and lets my tongue enter, our tongues battled for dominance and I came out on top. I adjust my hold of the coat and used my other hand to snake around his waist, he gasps against my lips and breaks the kiss.

"Your hands are cold, Dean"

"Sorry, but- I- can't- help- it-"

I said between our kisses and pull him against my body, Castiel pulls away to look up at the sky and I groaned in annoyance.

"Damn it Cas"

"Look it's not raining"

As soon as Castiel said that, it poured down with rain and I sighed.

"Never mind"

I shook my head and lean down to kiss him again, Castiel chuckles as he puts his arms around me and kisses me back.

"Do you think we have time t-"

My phone started to ring and interrupted Castiel mind sentence, I grab my phone and saw my brother's name.

"Hey Sam, what the hell?! I've been calling you!"

"Sorry, I had my phone on silent... where are you? I went back to the motel and you guys were gone"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you! Cas got us kicked out and so we walked down the road"

"Okay, I'm on my way"

I turn the phone off and put it back in my pocket, I kiss Castiel before picking up the duffel bag and taking the coat off us.

"To answer your question... later we can"

Castiel was confused and then realised what I meant, I chuckled putting my arm out to wave Sam down and backed up. He parks the car and gets out, I get in and sigh smiling. Castiel got in the passenger seat as Sam got in the back.

"Did you find anything?"

"No it was a dead end"

"Great so you wasted time and we got stuck in the rain"

"You didn't seem-"

"Shut up Cas!"

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