Stuck In The Woods (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

Bobby, Sam, Dean and I thought it was time for a break from cases. Everyone has become very grumpy and their moods turned sour, I suggested the camping trip as a way to connect with one another and get everyone in a good mood. Dean thought it was a great idea and the others weren't as excited, but they agreed and started to pack. I suggested going in one car as a way to bond with one another and share stories, Sam didn't like the idea and argued with Dean about it. Bobby didn't really care and just went along with it. I think he was just happy not to drive and be a passenger, it was going to be a great trip. Dean was packing the car with Bobby and I was helping Sam with the snacks and who was sitting where.

"I call shot gun"

"Damn it!"

"Sorry Sam, but I want to sit with Dean and besides you'll be sitting next to Bobby"

"Yeah, I guess"

I zipped up the last snack bag and carry it out to the car, Sam locks the door to the house and throws Bobby the keys. I got in the car with the snacks sitting in between Dean and I, Bobby and Sam climbed in and butted heads.

"Please don't fight"

"But he's taking up the whole space"

"You two need to share"

The boys scoffed and looked out their windows, I chuckled and turned back to the front. Dean pulls out and onto the road, I put on the tunes and put the window down. Dean was holding my hand and used the other to control the car, Sam was reading a book and Bobby was sharpening his knife whilst glancing at Sam.

"How long till we are there?"

"About three hours"

The boys in the back groan and huff, I shook my head and grab out a snack. Dean glanced at me and licks his lips.

"Anyone hungry?"

"Yes, I'm starving"


I handed out a bag of sandwiches to the boys at the back and I pull out a couple of miniature cherry pies for Dean. He groans in happiness as he took a bite and stuffed his face, I smiled knowing that he would like it.

"This is the best, Cas"

"I hope so, I used the best recipe"

He takes another and eats it, I ate my carrot and cheese sticks because I wanted to be healthy.


We finally made it to the camp site and as soon as Dean parks the car, Bobby and Sam get out to stretch their legs. I get out soon after and help with the unpacking, we carried our things deep into the forest and found a reasonable size flat piece for us to set up. Bobby and Dean starting with the camp, whilst Sam and I collected wood. It didn't take long for everyone to finish their jobs and we were finally able to sit around a burning fire, I pulled Dean in under my arm and use my wing to wrap around him. Sam and Bobby sat opposite us with annoyed looks on their faces, I was smiling and Dean was happy even though it didn't look like it.

"Shall we get dinner going?"

"Yes, I'm starving"

Bobby goes and grabs the steaks, Sam set up the grill over the fire and stokes it. Bobby threw the steaks on the grill and used the tongs to cook with, I leaned my head on Dean's head and tightened my grip around him. Their was a scream for help and we all began to panic, Sam runs inside the tent to grab the journal and began drawing symbols. But it was too late, Dean was taken and I ran after him.




I was catching up to them and Dean was being dragged, he had blood soaking through his shirt which meant he got injured. I jumped on the wendigo and snapped it's neck before grabbing the lighter out of my pocket and lighting it up, I lit him up on fire and scoop Dean up. He groans and holds his side, I ran away from the thing and slowed down to a walk when it was safe. Dean curled up in my arms and his breathing was heavy, I decided to sit down behind a tree and take a break. We were lost anyways and was best if we continued in the morning, Dean seemed to be okay enough and his injury isn't fatal. I crossed my legs and semi covered Dean with my wings as he lays his head on my lap, I stroked his hair softly and look around at the dark surroundings.

"Rest, I'll keep watch"

"Ok, wake me in thirty minutes"

I nodded and watched him drift off into a peaceful slumber, I looked at his injury and noticed blood on his hand.

I hope the others are okay...

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