Full Of Feathers (Dean x Castiel)

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~ Dean Pov ~

We were all in the car and had been for awhile, Castiel was sitting in the backseat with his giant feathery wings which were taking up space. Sam had been complaining about the feathers falling in his hair and lap, I just gave up and let them pile up around me and Sam just threw them out the window one by one. Eventually it got to the point, where I pulled over to a motel on the side of the road and got us room. I couldn't drive around with his feathers flying everywhere and so I decided to get rid of the loose feathers. After we got to our room, Sam decided to go out and get food. I was left with Castiel and his huge wings, I sat him down backwards in the chair and I sat behind him. I watched him leaned forward and let his wings droop, it was memorising watching the feathers move and reached a hand out to touch it. I was surprised at how soft his wings were and how easily the feathers came out, Castiel handed me a brush and I began to brush his wings. The pile of feathers became so big I had to push it to the side and continued to brush, Castiel had his head in his arms and was moaning softly. I could tell he was trying to hide it, he shifted a lot and leaned into my touch. It was hard to contain myself and his little soft moans were getting to me, Castiel gasped as I pull a feather out that got tangled and curses.


I adjusted my sitting position and cleared my throat, Castiel was high on pleasure and the only thing I could do is help it along or not do anything. Sam had left a message that he would be away for a couple of hours. I finished brushing Castiel's wings and put the brush down, he seemed a little sad by it as he sits up and uses a cushion to cover his man parts. I realised that we both had the same problem and that it could be solved, I reach for the pillow and pull it away. Castiel looks up at me with surprise and covers it with his hands.

"I can fix the problem... but you have to fix mine in return"

Castiel was silent as he stared down at my problem then to his and finally nods.

"Alright Dean"

I pull his hands away and get between his legs, I tugged the zipper down with my teeth and pull his underwear down. His hard member springs free and almost hits me in the face, Castiel slouches in his chair as his wings enclosed around me and his hands gripped my short hair. I licked his member long and slow causing Castiel to moan, I take him whole and held his hips down as it messed up my bobbing. Castiel moans again and throws his head back, I bobbed faster knowing he was nearing his end and Castiel suddenly pushes my head down as his cum slides down my throat. He releases my head and I pull away licking my lips, Castiel caught his breath as I sat back on the chair and pull my jeans and underwear down.

"Fuck, Dean~"

"It's your turn, Cas~"

Castiel gets up and sits on my lap, I groaned and bit my lip as he takes my member in his hand. He strokes it fast and my hips bucked, Castiel adds his member to his hand and strokes both of our members. I held his waist and let my head fall back, I let out a growl feeling the coil tighten and Castiel was also nearing his end again. A couple more strokes and we came in his hand, I caught my breath as Castiel takes off his bottoms and gets back on my lap with his wings enclosing us. I was a little confused as his arms wrap around my neck and my arms were resting on his hips.


"Dean, I need more~"

"But you came like twice"

"It's not enough~"

I chuckled seeing his needy side and was like okay, I tighten my grip on his hips as he lifts himself up and slowly slides my member into his hole. I groaned at how tight he was and Castiel let's out an exaggerated moan, I relax back which confused Castiel.

"What are you doing?"

"You wanted this therefore you can move yourself"

Castiel clenched his jaw and starts to move his hips slowly, I watched his eyes close and his mouth dangles open as he increases the sped.

"Please Dean~"

Castiel wouldn't stop with his begging for me to fuck him and I couldn't hold back any longer, I take his hips and push them harshly down on my member. He gasps arching his back and opened his eyes, I picked him up and placed him on the table. His wings and legs wrapped around my waist, I roughly pounded into him and grip his ass tightly. The pleasure was too much for him as he lays back on the table and arched his back, I watched his head fall back and his arms reached up in the air. Castiel legs twitched uncontrollably as he came again and I let my head fall forward as I thrusted in one last time to cum inside him.



He was a twitching mess beneath me as I pull out and pull my jeans on, I threw him my shirt as he sits up.

"Fuck that was amazing"

"Yeah, but you could have been nicer about it"

"Your just full of feathers aren't you, Cas"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You enjoyed every bit of it and don't try to say otherwise"

"I did because your good"

"Good?... I think I'm fucking amazing"

Castiel rolls his eyes and gets off the table, I watched him walk into the bathroom and shut the door.

He's just full of feathers...

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