The Stray (Dean x Castiel)

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This is such a pretty picture.

~ Castiel Pov ~

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~ Castiel Pov ~

Dean and Sam were back at the room doing research, I had gotten bored and decided to go for a walk. The streets were full of people and was quite loud with music mixed into the chatter, I stopped seeing a park across the road and changed my direction. I sit down on the park bench with a hunched posture and a brooding face, it was peaceful other then the kids laughter and yelling. I noticed a black cat sitting in front of me and it was weird because it was looking up directly at me as if it could see me, I stare into it's eyes as the poor thing was a stray and had nowhere to go. I pick the cat up and start walking back to the motel. Once I got there, I entered the room and look around. Dean was laying on the couch and Sam was sitting at the table looking at his laptop, Dean sees me and immediately gets up while backing away from me. I was confused and Sam had looked up at us.

"What's the matter Dean?"

"Get that thing outta here, Cas!"

"He's highly allergic to cats which is why he also genuinely hates cats"

I sighed from disappointment and look at the cat in my arms, I leave the room and wander the motel. A little girl comes up to me looking at the cat in my arms and points to it, I hand her the cat with a smile and crouched down.

"Hey little girl, you want the cat?"


"He's yours now"

I stand up and leave the girl to her cat, I went back to the room where Dean was laying in bed sleeping and Sam was reading a book in bed. I take my trench coat and shoes off, I throw my coat over the chair and climb into bed next to Dean who puts an arm around my waist. I curled into his chest and inhaled his musky scent, Dean groans as I rolled over to have my back against his chest and my head laying on his outstretched arm. He tightly pulls me close and nuzzled my hair, I noticed Sam was still awake and decided to have a small conversation with him.


"Yeah, what's up?"

He puts his book down and looks over at me.

"What are you reading?"


"I see... anything useful?"

"No and I can't seem to find any cases"

"Don't worry you'll find one"

"Yeah let's h-"

Dean sneezes and pulls away from me, I sit up and watched Dean have a sneezing fit. Sam grabs the pills and passes it too me, I pop out two and grab Dean's hand to place the two small round pills in his hand.

"Take these"

Dean sneezes again before putting them in his mouth and swallowing it, I noticed black cat hair on my white shirt and quickly take it off. I shivered from the cool air hitting my bare upper body and Dean had calmed down too.

"Sorry about that"

"It's alright... here"

Dean hands me his spare shirt and I put it on seeing how baggy it was, I watched Dean lay back down and put an arm back around my waist. Sam went back to reading and I laid down next to Dean. I watched Dean drift off into a peaceful slumber.

I can't believe you are allergic to cats...

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