Afraid To Sleep Alone (Dean x Sam)

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~ Dean Pov ~

It had been a long day and I finally got Sam back, he had been getting himself into a lot of trouble recently and being kidnapped on almost every case. It got so annoying to the point where we have been sharing the same bed and I've never taken my eye off him. We've gotten use to the fact that we need to stick together like glue and not let him get taken, we were currently in our motel and Sam was fast asleep on the bed. I was taking the time to clean all the weapons and sharpen the blades, it was peaceful and that's what I liked. It was annoying having to run around after Sam and he had been grumpy alot, I could barely say something without him snapping at me and blurt out things. It was the middle of the night, I was sitting on the other bed with my legs crossed and had all the weapons spread out on a blanket. Sam tossed around and mumbled something, I get up and wipe my hands. I lean down alittle and place the covers over him, Sam visually relaxes as he stops tossing and turning. I smiled softly before ruffling his hair and sitting back down on the other bed.


Sam was in the shower and I was busy packing up, we finished our case and finally killed the thing that was after Sam. It was time to head back to Bobby and see if he needs our help, I heard the bathroom door open and saw Sam walk out with the towel around his neck. He was shirtless and his hair was wet, I look away and zip up my duffel bag. Whilst he put on a shirt, I took our stuff to the car and returned our room key. Sam was waiting in the car and reading a book. We were on the road, I had my tunes playing softly and Sam was slouched in his seat. It was a long drive but we had made it to our destination, which was Bobby's house. He was outside working on his car as we pulled up and parked, I got out the car and walked up to him. Bobby smiles and shakes my hand, I put my hands in my pocket and look over at Sam who was taking our things inside.

"I could do with a beer"

"Yeah me too... did you kill the thing?"

"Oh yeah, I ensure that thing was dead"


I grabbed a beer and sat down at the table, Bobby joined me with his beer and sat down opposite me. Sam stands behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder, I look up slightly before looking back at Bobby and Sam pulls his hand away. I glanced behind me and saw him walk out the room, Bobby and I look at each other before I sighed and chugged the rest of my beer. I get up and said goodnight to Bobby, I walk up the stairs and go to our shared room. Sam was standing there with his back towards me and staring out the window, I approached him and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched and turns around to face me.

"If you want you can sleep in the other bed"

Sam looked shocked by the comment and shook his head.

"I actually like sleeping with you in the same bed... and frankly I'm afraid to sleep alone"

Sam scratches the back of his neck and looks down, I wasn't sure what to say. I reach my arms up and wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into an embrace.

~ Sam Pov ~

I hugged Dean back and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, I pulled away and he lays on the bed. I sat at the desk with the books scattered everywhere and did some light reading with other books. I must of been reading for hours as I looked over at Dean who was fast asleep on his back with his arm stretched out to the side, while the other laid on his chest. I close my book and put it down before discarding my coat and shoes. I flopped on the bed with my arm over Dean's chest and my head rested on his shoulder, he groans while letting his head flop towards my face and goes back to a peaceful slumber but not before mumbling.


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