Blood Addiction (Sam x Demon Male Reader)

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~ Dylan Pov ~

I had been working at this stinking bar for two years and it was horrible, considering it was a gay bar and I was always get hit on. I loved fooling around with all the men and sometimes the regulars would even pay me, it wasn't what I planned on doing with my life but I needed the money. I normally was working behind the bar and being a server. I stood behind the counter and cleaned glasses, when a handsome looking man sits down a few chairs away from me and runs a hand through his thick hair. I glanced at him and realised it was the Sam Winchester, he was the talk of hell. I wasn't interested in any of the battles or making trouble, I prefer to not indulge in those desires and instead live like a human again. Sam didn't look so good, he was pale and breathing quite heavily. It was like he needed something, I grabbed a glass and subtly cut my wrist as I bleed into the glass. Once I got half the glass filled, I slide it over to Sam and smirk.

"On the house"

I winked and he was in shock, but I watched as he grabs the glass and downs the demon blood. I chuckled as he slams it on the counter and wipes his mouth. Through his heavy breathing, he whispers.


"Sure thing sugar"

I signalled for someone to take over and Sam grabs my waist as he pulls us out to the back alleyway, it was dark and desolate. No one would bother us here, Sam slams me against the wall and pins my body.

"Easy Sam, there's no rush"

"How'd you know my name?"

"Sweetie, everyone from hell knows your name"

Sam kisses me roughly, his fingers curled around my wrists. I break the kiss as Sam's lips run down the skin of my neck and bites hard, I hissed and gasp as I feel him sucking the blood.

"Hah~ Sam~ slow down~"

He doesn't respond nor changes, I gripped his finger and let my head rest against the side of his head. The doors opened as two drunk people stumbled out laughing, I watched them walk into the street and around the corner. Sam pulls away and licks his lips, I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hands held my hips.

"Better Sam~?"

"Yes, now let's continue~"

"Of course~"

I chuckled lightly and kissed him, he groans into the kiss as he lifts me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and his hands gripped my thighs tightly. It was hot, I moan into the kiss and rub my hands through his soft fluffy long hair. I had never felt pleasure like this, Sam had a way of surprising me and making me feel so good. I throw my head back moaning from the immense pleasure and bit the inside of my cheek.

"Shit Sam~"

"Your blood is so addictive~"

I lightly laugh and gasped as Sam bites down hard on my neck, it was like ecstasy. I was seeing stars, Sam was going hard. My legs trembled and I curled my fingers tighter into his hair, I was close to my end.

"Sam~ I'm close~"

Sam hums and doesn't stop, I bucked my hips as I came hard. Sam pulls away and chuckles, I slumped against the wall as he held me up and kisses my lips softly.

"Thanks for the blood~"


"...Wanna join me?"

"I will, if we can continue to do this"

I gestured between us and draped my arm over his beefy shoulder, Sam chuckles and puts me down. I leaned against the wall and smile up at him, Sam bends down and licks the shell of my ear before whispering.

"Of course... I wouldn't have it any other way~"


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