The Sweetest Thing (Dean x Female Reader)

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Season 7 (and last episode of S6) spoilers and mentions a lot of things from it.

~ Tilly Pov ~

Ever since Castiel died letting loose all the Leviathans and Bobby's house burning down, we took refuge at Rufus's cabin since he wouldn't miss it. I was worried about Dean as it's been stressful and Sam's hallucinations started acting up. With three men, Bobby and Sam were working hard whilst Dean slept on the couch. I took the bed since Dean was on the couch watching tv and Bobby was doing research on the Leviathans. Today was quiet and all the boys went out on a case, I was left alone with the weapons and a bunch of food supplies. I decided to make dinner and dump all the alcohol in the fire, since the boys have been drinking too much and it affected them. I sat on the couch after preparing dinner and setting it out on the table, Dean had messaged that they'd be three hours away and were wrapping up things. I sat in silence and watched the door, my head bobbed as I tried to stay awake and my eyes were closed. I yawned and relaxed into the couch, I hear the door open as a cold breeze blew over me before the door closes. I shivered, but a rough leathery jacket was draped over my figure. It warmed me up and the smell of his cologne put me at ease, I let the sleepiness take over as Dean kisses my forehead before speaking softly.

"Goodnight Tilly~"

~ Dean Pov ~

Sam and Bobby were making themselves comfortable at the dinner table, I finished up looking after Tilly and joined them. There was a note on the table...

Hi boys, (ps. Sorry if I fell asleep)

Hope you enjoy the meal and sorry if it's cold, but there is soda in the fridge.

Ps. Dean there is pie in the fridge too ;)

Tilly xoxo

I smiled at the note and shoved it in my pocket, Tilly is beyond amazing. We all ate our dinner and Sam was washing up, whilst I decided to check on Tilly. I crouch down alittle and notice she was still sleeping, Sam decided to crash on the bed and I was going to sleep on the couch next to Tilly. I pick her up and she begins to stir as she rubs her eyes.


"Sorry for waking you~ go back to sleep~"

I smiled laying down with her in my arms and kiss the top of her head, Tilly hums curling up in my embrace and holding my fingers. She was small and short compared to me, I was huge.

"Dean~ your squishing me~"

"Huh.. oh sorry"

I loosened my grip and Tilly exhales, whilst stretching out and rolling over to face my chest. She nuzzles into my chest with her arm around my neck and her leg hooked over my hip, I use one hand to hold the thick part of her thigh to hold it in place.

"Mhm Dean~"

"Yes Sweetheart?~"

"I love you~"

"I love you too~"

I smiled softly and stroke her hair, Sam was snoring peacefully in the bed with his hand dangling close to the salt gun. I look over at Bobby who was quietly researching at the table and drinking a can of soda before looking back down at Tilly.

"Sleep Dean, you need it"

"But Bobby-"


I shimmied down and exhale deeply.

Old geezer...

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