What's Going On?! (Dean x Female Castiel)

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~ Dean Pov ~

Sam and I were on the way back to Bobby's house, he seemed off during the call and urged us to come home. Sam had been cooking up ideas of what could be wrong and I was intrigued to know, I arrived at the house and parked my car next to Bobby's car. Both of us get out the car and walk up to the house, we walked in the front door and look side to side.


"In here!"

I followed the voice and entered the kitchen, Sam and I noticed a girl sitting at the table.

"What was it- WTF!"

The girl turns around and smiled at me, I was too shocked for words as Sam was too confused and I was staring at the girl who was Castiel.


"Hello Dean"

Sam's jaw dropped and he was as shocked as I was, Castiel stands up and walks towards me. Castiel turning into a girl made her shorter and more petite, I began feeling weird as she places a hand on my chest and looks up at me with her big deep ocean blue eyes. I couldn't believe that Castiel was a girl and Bobby had a pile of books on the table, I assumed he was trying to fix Castiel and it looks like he came to a dead end.


"Yeah, I've read every book"

"Let's keep looking and Dean look after Cas"

I watched them walk out and leave me with Castiel who had her arms around my neck, she was on her tippy toes and I put my hand on her waist. Castiel pulls my head down to her lips and I was a little shocked as my hands were placed on her sides.

"Dean, I think you should take advantage of this body~"


"I have feelings for you, Dean"

I stared into her eyes. Our trance pulled us closer, I tilt my head to the side and tighten my grip. Castiel leans up and parts her lips slightly, I press my lips against hers. She moans softly and runs her fingers through my hair, I lifted her up and take her upstairs. Castiel breaks the kiss and pants, I throw her on the bed and strip everything off. She giggled and also strips down to her white lingerie, I smirked getting on the bed and kiss Castiel again.

"Hah~ Dean~"

"Fuck Cas~"

I kiss down her body and unclip her bra, Castiel throws it to the side as I continue to travel down her body. I played with the hem of her panties and pull it down slowly before looking up at Castiel, she nods slightly and lets her head fall back as I pressed two digits into her core. I lean back up and kiss her lips again, it was weird. But Castiel wanted to take advantage and I was definitely not going to pass the opportunity to sleep with a female Castiel.


I pull my fingers out and replace it with my hard member, Castiel drags her fingernails down my back and throws her head back to moan. I thrusted in and out at a steady pace, I groan and sped up. Castiel was scratching at my back and twitching as she cums roughly. I thrusted in one last time and pull out, I get out of bed and put my pants on. Castiel wraps herself in the blanket and I lean down to kiss her.

"Get some rest, I'll go see the others"

"Hm~ alright~"

I walked downstairs and joined the boys in the kitchen, Bobby and Sam were reading as I grabbed a beer from the fridge. I lean against the counter and look at their tired faces.

"How's it going?"

"Nothing... how's Castiel?"

"Sleeping, she's quite tired after our activities"

"Seriously Dean, what is it with you and girls?"

"Hey! Castiel was the one who started it"

"Yeah sure... just come sit down and read"


It's been hours and I couldn't focus anymore, Sam and Bobby were still going. I stretched out with a sigh and noticed Castiel standing there wearing my red flannel button up shirt that was way too big for her. Sam and Bobby look at her before glaring at me, I shrugged while holding my arm out and coaxing her over. Castiel comes over and sits on my lap, I put my arm around her waist and close the book. Castiel kisses my cheek and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Hey guys... I think I like being a girl"

Everyone looked at Castiel in shock.

"You've got to be joking"

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