I Never Get Sick (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

We were all at Bobby's place and I was sitting on the couch with Dean in my arms, Sam had his nose in a book and Bobby was drinking a beer while watching the news. I heard Dean sneeze and got concerned.

"Your not sick are you?"

"I never get sick"

Sam and Bobby scoffed at that comment, I held Dean closer as he tries to say something. The house was cold and windy, but it didn't bother me as my wings and body constantly were warm. Dean however was slightly shaking and trying to get impossibly closer to me, it wasn't good. I've never got to see Dean sick and the fact he was getting sick worried me, we had been busy non stop and hadn't taken a break. Bobby offers Dean a beer which he refused and shoved his face into my chest, I wrap my wings around him and shrug when Bobby looks at me. I pick up Dean who protests and take him upstairs, he curls up in my arms and holds my shirt. I placed him down on the bed, Dean whines and reached out for me. It was weird normally he isn't this needy and doesn't reach out for me, but I complied and get in next to him. Dean snuggled into my side with a sigh and falls asleep, I stroke his hair softly and look down at his sleepy face.

"What is up with you?"


The next morning I woke up and Dean wasn't in bed, I look around the room and noticed the bathroom door was half closed, but I could see his ankles. I get out of bed curiously and open the door more, Dean has his head over the toilet bowl and had a pale look on his face. I became concerned as I kneel down beside him and rub his back, Dean was heaving and vomiting.

"It's alright Dean, let it out"

After a few more minutes, Dean lays back in my arms with his body resting against my chest and had no energy. I kissed the top of his head and wrap my arms around him, Sam walks in with worry and holding a gun.

"What's going on?!"

"Nothing, Dean is sick"

"Oh that's not good"

I nodded in agreement and pick Dean up, he curls up and lets his head fall against my shoulder. I placed him in bed and cover him up, Dean turns away from me and hugs my pillow.

"I'll be back, I need to get you some medicine"


I walked downstairs with Sam and joined Bobby in the kitchen.

"Is Dean okay?"

"He's sick"

Bobby nods and grabs a box of pills, I take them and grab a bottle of water from the fridge before walking back upstairs. I entered the room and Dean was practically almost under the covers shaking, I felt bad for him and touch his arm lightly.

"Take these"

Dean sits up and takes the pills from me, I handed him the water and he swallows it with the water.

"I'll make a bath, it'll help with your shaking"

He nods and curls back under the covers, I walked into the bathroom and roll up my sleeves before turning on the hot water in the bath. I watched the bath fill with steamy hot water and turned it off, I called Dean over and watched him walk in. I look at him and help him undress, he gets in the bath and sighs. Dean grabs my hand before I could walk out and pulls me in the bath behind him, I didn't bother fighting with him and just relaxed in the hot water. I rest my arms on the sides and sink down more as Dean lays back against my chest with his eyes closed.



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