The Sorry I Needed (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Dean Pov ~

It been a month and my boyfriend Castiel hasn't visited me, he promised me that he'd be back and he broke it. Sam and I were at Bobby's house, I was sitting on the stairs outside and Sam was inside reading. It was a rainy day, I was sitting in the rain letting the emotions consume me and the numb feeling take over. I was holding an empty beer bottle and looking down at my feet, I heard footsteps and the rain suddenly stops hitting my body. I look up and Sam was standing there with an umbrella, he grabs my arm and pulls me inside. I stood there looking down and watched the floor boards get wet where I stood, I could feel the heat radiating off Sam as he closed the umbrella and puts it down. He brings me into a hug and strokes my hair, I grip the back of his shirt and shove my face into his chest.

"You should go have a shower before you get sick"


I pull away from the hug and walk upstairs to our room, I discard my wet clothes and get in under the hot water. My head falls forward under the water and regain my heat. The hot water cascaded down my torso as I washed my body, I rinsed myself off and turn off the shower. I wrap the white fluffy towel around my waist and hop out, I get dressed in my jeans and plain black shirt before going back downstairs where Sam and Bobby sat at the kitchen table. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and go sit on the couch, I grab the tv remote and turn on the tv. The sports channel was on and playing a rerun of yesterday's game, so I put the remote down and take a huge swallow of beer. I relaxed back in my spot and put my feet up, Sam and Bobby were talking about cases. They seemed to be having fun, while I was wishing Castiel was here sitting beside me. But he hadn't been returning my calls or messages and it had been a month, I was sick and tired of chasing people that kept running away from me. I was depressed and couldn't be bothered messaging him, I knew he was going to show up sometime or later. I leaned my head back against the couch and locked eyes with a pair of deep blue eyes that belonged to Castiel, I was surprised but didn't show it and instead took a swallow of beer before looking back at the tv.

"Hello Dean"

I didn't respond to him.

"I know your probably angry at me but I can explain... I lost my phone and then I was hunted so I went underground, I'm here now though and I'm so sorry Dean for leaving you worried and all alone"

I shifted in my seat and put the tv louder, Castiel sighs as he puts a hand under my chin and forces my head back. I was forced to look into his eyes and see the sorry in his eyes, he kisses my forehead before releasing me. I was in shock, my emotions came flooding back and I turn the tv off while putting my beer down. I stood up and ran after Castiel who was about to leave the room, I grab his fingers and look away with a blush. Castiel turns around and gazes down at me.

"I'm sorry, but I really did miss you"

Castiel puts his index finger under my chin and tilts my head back, I look into his tired eyes as he looks into my puffy red eyes. He smiles softly and wraps his arms around my waist as mine wrap around his neck, Castiel kisses me passionately and hard. I moan softly and kiss back with the same amount of affection, I could feel his wings wrap around me as an extra level of warmth and love.

"I love you Cas... and don't ever do that again"

"I love you too Dean and I promise to never do that"

"Good... now kiss me again"

"So persistent"

"I deserve to be"

This was the sorry I needed...

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