I'M A GIRL! (Castiel x Female Dean)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

The Winchesters and I were on a case, it had been a long day of following this lady and Dean was supposed to be watching her. But he wasn't and also didn't answer any of mine or Sam's calls, it was weird because he was supposed to check in three hours ago. Sam decided to track Dean's phone and I sat with a book trying to find out what the thing was, I put the book down once Sam had found his location and was busy gathering all our things. We get in Dean's car and Sam drives to the location, it ended up being an abandoned factory outside of town and was really worn down. Sam and I look at each other before looking up at the factory, Sam parks the car off to the side and unlocks the boot. I watched him grab a bunch of different weapons and stash it in his coat before locking the car, we approached the building quietly and slowly. Neither of us were sure about what it was that was holding Dean hostage but we had our suspicions and we were prepared for anything. We enter the building which was empty and scanned the place, it came down to one last room. We look through the window and noticed Dean was tied with his hands above his head and he had tiny cuts over his torso. His head hung low as a lady with a knife walks around him and talks, we could barely hear what she was saying and so we got closer. But Sam stood on a twig which snapped and got the attention of the lady, Dean was grabbed by the head and kissed. We were stunned and watched as grey smoke appeared, Sam rushed into the smoke and I used my wings to blow it away. Sam had cut Dean down and was holding him up, I noticed that he seemed different and his body was a lot smaller. Sam also noticed that he was a lot shorter then before and looked down.

"Dean are you alright?"

"Yeah, just tired"

I take my trench coat off and put it around Dean as Sam backs away, then we realised that Dean wasn't a man anymore. But a woman, it was weird and I actually liked the female side. Dean was looking down at his body in shock and was grasping my trench coat tightly.


Dean began freaking out and Sam was in too much shock to do anything, I approached Dean and pull her into a hug. She tensed before relaxing into my hold and snuggled into my chest, I heard her inhale deeply before sighing and pulls back slightly. I look down at Dean and watched as she reached her arms up to me, I chuckle softly and lean down as she wraps her arms around my neck.

"Can you carry me?"

"Of course"

I grab her thighs and hoist her up, she wraps her arms around my neck and lays her head on my shoulder. Sam and I walk back to the car, we had packed up our things before we came to rescue Dean and Sam decided to go straight to Bobby's for help. Dean was tucked into my arms and were peacefully sleeping, Sam was still stunned by his brother turning in a girl and becoming a sister.

"How are we going to handle this?"



We arrived at Bobby's house and Dean was still sleeping, I walk up to the front door and Bobby opens the door. He looks at Dean in my arms and was stunned, Sam walks in behind me and gives the full explanation of what happened. I placed Dean on the couch and Sam passed me his coat to use as extra warmth for Dean, I smiled as Dean stretches out and curls back up in my coat.

"I'll watch over Dean while sitting here reading"

"Alright, we are going out to see one of Bobby's friends who might know something about this"

"Okay be careful"

"You too"

Sam and Bobby left right away, I rolled up my white sleeves and grab a bunch of books. I placed them on the coffee table and sit down on the single seater couch. I grab a book and lean back to get comfortable, it was quiet. Dean was softly breathing and moving around every now and again, I glanced over at Dean and smile knowing that I have feelings. I continue reading and after awhile Dean stands up, I followed Dean with my gaze and put my book down. Dean stands in front of me which confused me a little.

"Hello Dean"

Dean doesn't respond and instead climbs onto my lap, I wait for her to get comfortable before putting my arms around her small body. She places a hand on my forearm and slightly grips it, I smiled resting my head back and looking up at the ceiling. Dean shifts and I lift my head up to gaze down at the top of her head.

I like Dean as a girl...

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