Smooth Operator (Souless Sam x Female Reader)

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Song: Smooth Operator - Sade

~ Zara Pov ~

I enjoyed my line of work, out in the middle of nowhere was this bar. I was lucky enough to get a job as their entertainer and all the hunters loved me, I was an amazing singer. I enjoyed seeing all the men fall at my feet and swoon over me, they couldn't touch me either which made it all the better. I was under the owners protection and he always watched over me. During the day, I normally help out behind the bar serving drinks to hunters and other drop ins. 

"Hey pretty lady, mind showing us what's under the skirt?"

I just giggled and looked at the drunk hunter, Gary the owner was standing behind the man with a dark stare.

"That is no way to treat a lady"

The man turns around and Gary grabs the man's shirt as he throws the man out the bar, I continued to clean the glasses and nod to Gary who smirks.

"Thanks Gary"

"No worries"

I served the guy his beer and wipe the wooden counter top before turning my back to grab the whiskey bottle.

"Excuse me can I get a glass of that?"

"Of course"

I turned around and locked eyes with my ex boyfriend, Gary must have noticed and approached us with a stone cold gaze. I put the whiskey bottle down and step back, Gary grabs his shirt and pulls him close.

"Leave before I make you"

"Or what? You gonna kiss me?"

Gary growls and throws him out too, I had a lot of problems with the break up and Gary was there for me. I owe everything to him, he loved me like his own.

"You alright Zara?"

"I'll be fine"

The rest of the day went by peacefully and without any problems, it was five in the evening. I swapped out with Gary who took over the bar and stage lighting, I went backstage to get ready. My room was small and had clothes laying everywhere, I went through my dresses and found my baby blue satin dress with spaghetti straps.

I put the dress on and fix my hair up, I put my white heels on before leaving my room

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I put the dress on and fix my hair up, I put my white heels on before leaving my room. Tonight's song was 'Smooth Operator' which was one of my favourites. I take a microphone off the charger and walk out on stage, the bar was filled with men. I nodded to Gary who starts the song and does the lightening. I began to sing and stroll around the stage as the men whistle.

No place for beginners or sensitive hearts...
When sentiment is left to chance...
No place for be ending but somewhere to start...

No need to ask...
He's a smooth operator~...
Smooth operator...
Smooth operator...
Smooth operator...

I smile as I make my way though the crowd and lock gazes with a man, he just stares as I changed my direction. His features were so sharp and his long brown hair shapes his face perfectly, I run my fingertips across his firm shoulders and sit on his lap. His emotion doesn't change and he didn't seem fazed by me, I stuffed a piece of paper into his hand before getting off his lap and sauntered away from him as I sway my hips more. I stopped turning my head to look at him with a little smile.

His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold~...

I strolled through the crowd of men leaving little touches and winks causing them to go wild, I couldn't help but give one last glance at the emotionless man sitting there staring at me. I wink before heading off stage and back to my room, I powdered my nose and applied more lipstick. There was a knock on my door and I smiled knowing exactly who it was. I open the door and gasp, he was leaning against the frame as he towers over me with a dark stare.

"I didn't think you'd show"

I backed up as he enters the room and closes the door behind him.

"I wouldn't miss an opportunity like this"

"Your lucky, I normally don't do this"

The man smirks and takes his coat off, I watched him strip his shirt off. His torso was toned and tanned, I reached a hand out to softly trace his abs.

"I'm Sam, remember that~"

"Don't worry I won't forget~"

He leans down to kiss me, I moan softly and run my hands through his hair. His fingertips travel up the sides of my thighs and grip my hips under my dress, his hands were huge. I was small compared to him and he engulfed me with his huge form, Sam pushes me onto the bed after pulling the dress off and leaving me in my panties.

"I won't go easy"


I gasped as his fingers traced my core and pulls my panties off, I moaned into the rough kiss. My fingers curled in his hair and my back arches slightly, Sam lifts my legs up and thrusted in without warning.

"Fuck Sam~!"

I scratched at his muscular back and moaned, Sam groans and grinds his hips.

"Sam~ please~"


It's been hours, I lost count about how many times we did it. Sam was getting dress and I was laying in bed watching him, it was the best night of my life.

"Come back soon~"

"I will~"

He smirks and leans down to kiss my lips, I smiled and sighed knowing that we might not see each other.

"I'm gonna miss you and your friend~"

"Don't worry I'll be back~"

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