A Great Morning (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

I woke up and scratched my bare chest, Dean was sleeping peacefully in my side and was softly snoring. This was my favourite part of the day getting to see Dean's sleepy face and him being so quiet, I placed little kisses all over his face and smile as Dean groans pushing his hand against my cheek while turning away from me. I chuckled and roll over on my side.

"Morning breath, you dick"

"Yeah, but you loved it last night~"

I wrap my arm around his waist and roll him over to face me, Dean yawns and rubs his eyes. I kissed his lips and run my hand up his leg under my shirt he was wearing, Dean pulls off the shirt and I get on top of him. He should be still loose from last night's activities and shouldn't need the prep, I shimmied my sweatpants off and kiss Dean slow. Dean moans into the kiss as I push into his hole and move my hips at a slow pace, it was passionate. Dean was moaning tiredly and his arms were barely wrapped around my neck, I kiss his neck and bite his sweet spot. The light flooded in through the window and shone brightly, Dean winced and shielded his eyes with his hand. I chuckled softly while opening my wings to block the sun and created a dark cocoon around us, Dean puts his hand back around my neck and lifts his head to kiss me again. I thrusted in one last time and came, Dean came with a low moan as his body twitches and his legs tighten around my waist. It was quiet apart from us catching our breath and Dean's little gasps, I rested my head agaisnt his forehead for a brief moment and kiss him gently before pulling away completely. I get out the bed and Dean sits up holding the white bed sheets with one hand against his chest covering himself, while I put on my pants and Dean just rolls back into bed with my shirt. I chuckled knowing that Dean was too tired and probably unable to walk, I turned my head when there was a knock on the door and walked across the room to open it slightly. I poked my head out and see Sam standing there with his hands in his pockets, I smiled and squeezed out the gap in the door. I close the door behind me and lean agaisnst it before looking up at Sam.

"Hello Sam"

"Hey Cas... Um... is Dean awake?"

"No, he just fell back asleep... he's a bit tired fr-"

"I don't wanna know, I just wanted to get something to eat"

"Oh alright... here"

I open the door again and grab the car keys, I handed them to Sam who smiles and waved bye to me. I entered the room and saw Dean standing there wearing my huge white shirt, he looked very tired and sleepy.

"You should be sleeping"

"I can't sleep without you... besides I'm in too much pain to do so"

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll get you something from my coat"

I reached into one of my coat pockets and pulled out some painkillers, Dean walks over to me and takes them out my hand. I watched him pop two in his mouth before swallowing them with saliva, he wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzled into my bare chest. I kiss the top of his head and wrap my arms around him as I nuzzled into his hair, I used my wings as extra warmth when I wrapped them around his body.

"I love you and your wings, Cas"

"I love you too, Dean"

I smiled and lean down to kiss him, Dean laughs a little before putting his arm around my neck and putting all his weight into me.

"Do you want more affection?"


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