Sparring Partners (Sam x Dean)

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~ Sam Pov ~

Dean had been getting really annoyed at me for the past few weeks and I knew the reason why, because apparently I need to do more fight training as I kept getting beaten or injured. Which Dean doesn't like and has made him grumpy, I sat in the car next to Dean and looked out the window. Dean was super quiet, I noticed he was in the zone and I wasn't going to interrupt it. I watched him suddenly turn off on an abandoned road and park at one of the run down buildings, I hear him sigh and turn the car off. Dean gets out the car and I followed him inside the building, Dean stops with his back towards me and I became more confused.

"Dean? What are we doing here?"

"You need to train more, so come at me"

He turns around to face me with his arms at the ready and his knees slightly bent, I sighed finally knowing what we were doing.

"Seriously Dean"

"Well maybe if you didn't get hurt or beaten then maybe we wouldn't be here right now"


I started running and swing my fist aiming for his face, but Dean blocks it and counters with his own fist. I barely dodged it, Dean grabs my shirt and pulls his fist back. I blocked his fist with my arm as he retracts his fist and pushes me to the ground.


It's been hours, Dean and I were tired. We had been sparring non stop and it has finally caught up with us, I run at Dean but accidentally tripped over causing the two of us to fall. Dean landed on his back and I caught myself before I fell ontop of him, our eyes locked gazes and our breathing was heavy. My heart began to beat faster as our hips grind together, it was hard to hide my emotions and Dean seemed to be in shock.


"Y- yeah?"

"I'm sorry"

As I was about to get off him, Dean pulls my shirt and wraps an arm around my neck. I gasped as I was pulled into a kiss, Dean's eyes were closed and his kiss was so rough yet full of love. I break the kiss in shock and Dean looks away with embarrassment, I couldn't believe he just did that.

"I'm sorry I sho-"

I kissed him back and Dean moans into the kiss, I run my hand down his side and up under his shirt. Dean grips my hair tightly as he slightly arched his back and hooks a leg around my waist.

"Wait- Sammy~"

"Yes Dean~?"

"Too fast~"

I chuckled and slowed my movements down, Dean moans softly as I kiss him passionately. I picked him up and walk over to the cluttered table, I swiped everything off and sat Dean down on the table. Our emotions were overcome with lust and passionate, I leaned against the table using my hands and tilted my head to the side deepening our kiss. Our lips practically glued together as Dean's hands were in my hair and his legs wrapped around my waist still, he seemed to be in a rush and wanting more of me. The abandoned warehouse became full of moans and groans, luckily nobody was around.

"We- should- get- back- to- Bobby-"

"He- can- wait-"

I break the kiss and pull my head away, which makes Dean groan in frustration.


"I'm serious, he will be worried"


I helped Dean off and he leans up pulling my head down to kiss my lips one last time, I chuckled and put my arm around his waist as we walk towards the exit.

"You know we can't do that when Bobby's around"


"Aw are you pouting?"

"Shut up"

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