The Two Way Mirror (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

Dean and I were on a case, Bobby needed Sam's help with another case and went with him. I decided to keep Dean company and tag along, we had been told there was a cabin in the woods that was crawling with ghosts and that the last owners had gone missing. Dean had been driving for the past two hours and we needed gas, I pointed to an old looking building up ahead which looked like no one was around. Dean pulls up beside a gas machine and turns the car off, we got out the car and slowly approached the building. Dean entered and calls out, I followed behind him and scan the room.

"Hello boys, what can I do for ya?"

A man walks out and zips his pants up.

"We need gas"

The man nods and goes behind the counter, I followed Dean as he hands the guy cash and leaves. I stood beside him and watch him do his thing. The man comes outside and looks at us, he approaches and stops when he is close enough.

"Nice car"

"Thanks, it's mine"

"Definitely in good condition"

"Yeah, I love this car"

The man nodded while turning around to head back inside and lean against the counter, I stepped away as Dean finishes filling up. We get back in the car and drive off down the road. After awhile we made it to the cabin and Dean parks the car, the cabin was run down and discoloured.

"Well let's do this"

I nod and get out the car, Dean grabs our duffel bags and locks the car. While I walk up the stairs and open the door, it was a little bare. Only a couch, table, chairs, fireplace and kitchen. Not much, but I take my duffel from Dean before heading to the bedroom. There were only two, I took the one on the left and Dean took the one on the right. It was big, but I couldn't stop staring at this sinful painting and decided that it would be better to take it off the wall. I realised there was a window between our rooms and Dean was standing there looking straight at me, but he couldn't see me. It was like he was staring at a mirror and maybe my side is a window that only I can see through, Dean pulls away and goes over to the bed. He seemed to be sorting something out and I decided it would be best if I had a shower, I stripped down and turn the hot water on. It was nice to wash away the blood and sweat, I turn off the water and reached for a towel. I wrap a towel around my waist before leaving the bathroom and entering the bedroom, I froze looking through the window at Dean who was on his bed with his head resting back against the headboard. His hand was pumping his member as his mouth was open and his bare legs were twitching, I could hear his soft moans and whimpers. He suddenly begins saying my name, I could feel my member get hard. It was hard to look away, but I pull away and quickly get dressed before leaving the room. It had been awhile and Dean was still in his room, I already made a fire and was sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey staring into the burning red flames. It was dark outside and the cabin was silent, I crossed my leg over the other and leaned back into the couch. Dean appears wearing jeans and a black shirt, his hair was wet and he looked tired. I swallowed harshly remembering what I saw and look away from him, Dean walks around the couch and sits beside me. I wanted to kiss him so badly, his lips were moist and full.

~ Dean Pov ~

Castiel was staring at me, his eyes were filled with this lustful gaze. I wanted him to kiss, I wanted him so badly. I shifted a little trying to hide my hard member and glanced at Castiel, he puts his glass down and turns to face me. I look into his eyes and watch him lean closer.


I wrapped my arms around his neck and tilt my head, Castiel gently presses his lips against mine and kisses me. I could taste the whiskey, it was addictive and had me wanting more. I move closer, but Castiel pushes my body back on the couch as he hovers above me. He yanks my shirt and bottoms off leaving me naked beneath him, I watched him strip everything off before spreading my legs apart. I moaned softly as his lips leave kisses and small bites down my neck, I put my hands in his messy hair as he makes his way down. I could feel his fingers press in thrusting in and out, Castiel kisses me hard. I arch my back as his other hand begins to pump my member, I break the kiss to pant and moan.

"Please Cas~ I need more~"

"If you insist~"

He pulls his hands away and roughly thrusted his member in, I gasped and throw my head back moaning. He doesn't stop, his pace increases with each thrust and his lips ghosting over mine as our noses touch. I drag my nails down his back leaving red lines, Castiel was close. His thrusts became sloppy and he was groaning softly, I was also nearing my end.

"I'm gonna cum~"

"Me too, Dean~"

I gasped and arched my back as my cum painted our chests, Castiel thrusted in and came inside. We stayed like this, our breathing slowly decreased. Castiel kisses my lips softly and pulls away completely taking his body heat with him, I sat up and grabbed Castiel's white shirt. He hands me my underwear as I put on the clothes, Castiel puts his jeans on and pours himself a glass of whiskey. I crawled over and lean against his warm bare side, I smiled to myself.

Damn he's good...

"Oh by the way... I saw you in your room earlier"

I blushed and pull away to look Castiel in the eyes.

"You what?!"

"The two way mirror... I took off a painting and saw you in the other room"

"Show me!"

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