The Pink Ones (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Castiel Pov ~

Dean groans as the car comes to a slow stop and begins to smoke, Sam and I were drinking our coffee as Dean gets out and opens the bonnet. He takes off his jacket and Sam gets out the car, I got out too and Sam places the tools down by Dean. Sam stood off to the side and I stood somewhat behind Dean as he was bent over busy trying to find the problem, I was sipping my coffee and happened to notice Dean's shirt riding up. Which revealed a pink string around his waist that was poking out from his jeans.

"Oh, you're wearing the pink ones today..."

I heard Sam sputter and Dean knocked his head on the bonnet, Dean's face was red as a tomato and Sam was trying his best not to laugh or get involved. I look down at Dean as he huffs and decides to turn back around while pulling his shirt down.

"Don't be embarrassed Dean"

"Shut up Cas!"

I chuckled lightly and put my coffee in the car, it wasn't long before Dean got the car working and was able to drive us to the nearest motel. Sam got a seperate room for us because he didn't want to be involved, I thanked him for the keys and unlocked our room. Dean walks in and goes straight to the bathroom, I noticed he locked the door and was shuffling around a lot. I approached and knocked lightly while leaning in.

"Dean, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine"

"Ok, well I'm just going to see Sam is okay"


~ Dean Pov ~

I stood in the bathroom and leaned against the door with all my clothes scattered on the ground. I hear the main door close and sigh, it was too close. Today marks our two year anniversary and Castiel had bought me this ridiculous pink lingerie a long time ago, it was supposed to be a surprise but he saw it. Luckily he's didn't notice that he got it, I look into the mirror and blushed. I wore this pink g string with garters that attached to the pink thigh high socks and a lacy pink triangular bra, it was embarrassing but I knew Castiel would love it. I stole his beige trench coat and put it on considering it was huge on me, I heard the main door open and close indicting he was back.

"Hey Dean, I'm back! Sam decided to turn in for the night.... Do you know where my beige trench coat is?"

I opened the bathroom door and lean against the frame, Castiel turns to look at me and became shocked.

"It's right here~"

I push off the door frame and walk towards him, I stopped in arms reach and let the trench coat fall to the ground. Castiel raised an eyebrow and looks me up and down, I put a hand on his chest as his hands were placed on my bare sides.

"Happy two year anniversary, Cas~"

Castiel smirks a little and leans down to my ear.

"Damn Dean, you really out did yourself~"

"Only for you~"

Castiel chuckles and pushes me on the bed, I sat at the end of the bed and watched him crouch. He picks up my leg and kisses it before rolling my sock down, then repeats it on the other leg. I gasped and moan softly as he pushes my thighs together and runs his lips between them. I rested back on my hands and put a foot to his chest, I gently push him away and spread my legs. Castiel smirks again as he stands between them and bends down to kiss my lips softly, I put a hand in his hair and was slowly laid back. He plays with the hem of my panties and pulls them down, I kicked them off and wrap my legs around his waist. I tugged at his shirt and pull it off, which breaks the kiss between us. I throw it to the side and run my hands up and down his muscular back, Castiel pulls my bra off before licking my nipple and playing with the other. I gasped and tightened my grip around his neck, Castiel moves on and takes a hold of my hard member. He strokes it a couple of times and removes his pants, I bit my lip as my heart beats faster. Castiel flips me over and pulls my hips back towards him, my top half was pressed against the bed and my arms were stretched out in front of me. I was in total submissive mode as my fingers grip the bed sheets and my back was arched, so my ass would press against his big hard member.

"Fuck Dean, you look so fucking good~"

"Please Cas~ I want you~"

Castiel thrusts into my hole at a rough pace that my eyes were already seeing stars and my body was trembling with pleasure. I couldn't breath as my moans increased and my heart rate was beating faster. After a couple of rounds, I was tired and my body was a wreck. Castiel pulls out and all his cum slowly drip out of me, I heard him chuckle and suddenly something was inserted into my ass. I moaned as I sat up and felt the butt plug holding all his cum inside me.

"Happy two year anniversary, Dean~"

I watched him pull up his jeans and I put on his white dress shirt, it felt weird having something up my ass.

"Don't even think about pulling it out"


"No, or you'll be punished~"

Yes daddy...

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