Your Shirt (Sam x Female Reader)

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~ Grace Pov ~

I yawned and rolled over to Sam's side of the bed, which was cold and empty. I abruptly sat up and look around the room, Dean and Sam weren't here. I assumed they went to go check out a lead or get food, so I get out of bed wearing my short pjs and walk towards the bathroom. I get undressed before hopping into the shower and soaking up all the hot water, whilst I washed my body. Once I was done, I got out the shower and winced in pain remembering that I got stabbed the night before. It stung for a couple of seconds as I took off the wet bandage and threw it in the bin, I put my black jeans and bra on before realising that my shirt was ripped to shreds from the fight yesterday. I opened the bathroom door hearing movement in the next room and stood there staring at the boys.


Dean walks past with a coffee in his hand and whistles.

"Seriously Dean"

I threw the towel at him and look back over at Sam who was staring at me.

"Sam, can I borrow one of your plaid shirts? My shirt was ripped up"

Sam nods and laughs lightly as he tosses the white one laying on the bed, I caught it and put it on. I buttoned up the buttons and walk over to Sam, he rolls my sleeves up before giving me a short kiss on the lips and a boop on the nose.

"Thanks, babe"

"Anytime, honey"

"You guys done with your lovey dovey moment, because we have work to do"

We looked over at Dean with a sigh and joined him at the table.

"Jealously isn't a good look on you Dean"

"Shut up!"

"Hey! That's my girlfriend your talking to!"

I smiled at Sam and placed my hand over his as a way of saying calm down, he relaxes back into the chair and mumbles something before looking at his laptop. Dean was eating his usual breakfast which was burgers and I was sipping on my coffee that Sam got me. Between Dean and I, we were comparing the disappearances and trying to find the link. Sam was researching possible monsters that matched the information we had, but it wasn't easy.


It had been hours and we still had nothing, Dean decided to go out for drinks and let out his frustration. So Sam and I were alone, he was still at his computer working away and I was laying on the bed wearing just his shirt. It was quiet, Sam stands up and pulls off the jacket he was wearing before pulling off his shirt. I glanced at his toned chest and blushed noticing that Sam had caught me, he chuckles softly and gets into bed beside me. I giggled as he gets under the covers and runs his hands over my bare legs, I put the book down as he pulls off his shirt I was wearing and kisses my stomach. Sam then comes up to kiss my lips and pull my ankles down towards him, so I was laying beneath him.


I moaned into the kiss as his hot fingers trail up my cold thighs and traced my panties, Sam places a hand on the headboard above my head and leans down more. As we kissed, I heard a thud from outside which made me break the kiss and look at the door. Sam just kisses my neck and I grabbed his face to make him look at me.

"I think there's someone outside our room"

"Who cares? They can't see or get in"

"But Sam~ can you have a look?... it might be Dean"

Sam sighs and gets up, I grabbed the covers and cover myself. Sam puts on a grey shirt as he walks over to the door and opens it slightly, I leaned over and noticed Dean was laying on the ground drunk. Sam helps him up and puts him to bed before getting in next to me.

"So much for alone time"

"Yeah, but maybe we can sneak one in the morning shower"

"Ugh I love you so much"

"I love you too Sammy"

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