You Little Thief (Sam x Dean)

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Dean in a Hoodie 😩

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Dean in a Hoodie 😩

~ Sam Pov ~

It had been a tiring day with Bobby, we had finished a case and were heading back to the house. Dean was there too, he didn't want to come along and instead wanted to fix his car. Bobby parks in the driveway and turns the car off, I get out and head inside. It was quiet, too quiet. But when I called out for Dean, he didn't respond and that worried me. His car was still here and he never leaves that behind, I look upstairs in all the rooms. I entered our room and checked everywhere, his stuff was here but I was missing hoodies which was weird. I run downstairs and poke my head into the kitchen, but nothing. I quietly walk into the living room and sighed, Dean was curled up in the single seater wearing my hoodie. He looked really tired, he was holding the tv remote loosely in his hand as the sports channel was on and I carefully take the remote out his hand to turn off the tv before placing it on the coffee table, then I grabbed a blanket and cover Dean with it. He slightly shifts and sighs softly, I smiled and left him alone. I joined Bobby in the kitchen with a beer. I had finally found out who had been stealing my hoodies.

"Find him?"

"Yes, he's sleeping"

"He's been through a lot, he needs rest"

"Yeah, I haven't made it easier for him either which is my fault"

"He's always worried about you, he's your brother"

"I know, I've always looked up to him and he's always the one that has been looking after me since we were kids"

"Yeah, he loves you a lot"

"And I want to repay that by looking after him this time"

Bobby smiles and takes a swallow of his drink, I do the same and chug down the whole bottle. I felt arms draped over my shoulders and a head lay ontop of mine, I assumed it was Dean.

"Hey Dean"

"Mhm~ Sammy~"

I chuckled and rub his arm softly, I could feel him leaning into me and I noticed he was slighlty asking for more attention. I gently pull away and stand up, I wished Bobby a goodnight and put my arm around Dean's shoulders as we walk up the stairs. I closed the curtains and Dean closes the door, we pulled back the sheets before getting in. I sat up more and lean agaisnt the headboard, Dean snuggled into my side and I softly run my fingers up and down his arm.

"I can't be believe you were the one stealing my hoodies... I thought I was going crazy"

"Heh, sorry about that... I just really like how warm your hoodies are"

"Yeah, I guess that's true"

It was really quiet, I had been reading my book for awhile now when I began to hear soft snores from Dean. I smile and closed my book before turning off the light, I carefully shimmied down and pull Dean into my embrace.


He mumbles annoyed that I moved before he shifts to get comfortable again and falling back to sleep, I sigh shaking my head and nuzzling my nose into the hood of my hoodie that Dean was wearing.

"You little thief"

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