A Stormy Night (Castiel x Female Reader)

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Just a little bit of spoiler (for season 6). You have been warned.

~ Lizzy Pov ~

My little brother had just been killed by a shifter and I wasn't there to protect him, it meant I was alone in the world. I fell to my knees and looked up at the grey sky, it was dark. I felt numb, it was like my body was an empty shell. The sky began to cry and soon it was raining hard, I closed my eyes thinking it couldn't get any worse. My clothes were soaked and I was crying, I look down at my hands and bite my lip. Then suddenly the rain stopped falling around me and I was confused, I look up and gasp seeing a man in a beige trench coat with his wing held out above my head to prevent the rain from soaking me anymore. He had a sad expression on his face and held his hand out towards me, I take it as he pulled me to my feet and takes off his coat to place around my shoulders. The man suddenly picks me up and transports us to a room, I noticed two men sitting there watching us.

"Cas what the hell?! Now your bringing home girls?!"

"She was sad and wet, I felt bad for her"

"Excuse me? But I don't need your pity"

I take the coat off and walk to the other end of the room with my back facing them, it has been a hard day for me and I was not in the mood.

"I'm sorry, Lizzy"

I turned to look at the men and noticed that they were sincere, my vision was blurry and tears ran down my cheeks. Castiel comes over to bring me into an embrace and rub his hand soothing up and down my back.

"I need to shower, before I get sick"

"Yeah, here's a spare shirt of mine"

Castiel holds out a white button up shirt and smiles softly, I thanked him and take the piece of clothing before entering the bathroom. I place everything in a pile on the floor and hopped in the hot steamy shower, it was refreshing and warming. After a couple of minutes of being under the hot water, I get out and dried my body with a white fluffy towel. I put on my light blue lingerie and Castiel's white button up shirt, which was more like a dress on me as it was way too big for me. I open the door and froze noticing everyone was staring at me, Castiel approaches and guides me to one of the beds.

"Sleep, I'll be here"

"Thank you"

~ Castiel Pov ~

I watched her get in bed, her back was towards us and she was curled up hugging one of the pillows. Dean quietly complained about having his bed taken and Sam rolled his eyes offering his one, I covered Lizzy with my beige trench coat and sat down next to Sam at the table. I watched Lizzy peacefully sleep and Dean was fast asleep in the other bed, since Sam didn't have his soul and couldn't physically sleep. It's been nice to have company during the night, whilst everyone else slept.

"Have you heard anything about my soul?"

"No I have been looking, but so far nothing"

Sam nods with a sigh and turns back to his computer, I took a sip of the whiskey and tilt my head to gaze at Lizzy who rolls over facing us. I could see her soft sleeping face as her hair falls in her face and her lips slightly parted.

"She looks so peaceful..."

"Yeah, especially since she is with a bunch of strange men"

"She's a hunter, so she could look after herself"

"Oh wow, that's interesting"

"It is"

Lizzy inhaled deeply while stretching and then exhales, while relaxing into her new position with her arm stretched out across the pillow. It was raining hard outside, but it was peaceful and the sound of rain hitting the roof made the atmosphere relaxing and sleepy. Dean and Lizzy were fast asleep unbothered by the rain, it made my heart swell and I became confused. A human lady can't possibly do that to me, it's impossible and I couldn't have a lover.

"Castiel... did you hear anything I said?"


"How do we go about finding my soul?"

"Figure it out, Sam"

I have other problems to deal with...

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