Rough Day, Huh? (Dean x Female Reader)

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~ Short pov of Gabby ~

It's been three weeks without Dean or Sam as they were out on a lot of cases. So I spent my time with Bobby helping him research and also trying to learn more about their world, Dean and I haven't been dating for long. But I love him and will always be there for him in times of need, Bobby was sitting in the kitchen talking to someone on the phone and I was in the lounge reading a book on demons.

~ Short pov change to Dean ~

I was tired and missing my girl, it had been a rough couple of weeks with non stop cases and I was in need of a break. I had just pulled onto Bobby's property and parked the car, Sam gets out and grabs our things. Whilst I headed inside, Bobby was sitting at his desk with his nose in a book and a glass of brown liquid in his hand.

"Where's my girl?"

"In the other room"

Bobby points to the next room and I nodded walking out into the lounge, Gabby was sitting on the couch reading a book with a small smile on her face. I take my boots and jacket off before making my way over to her, I flopped down with my head landing in her lap. Gabby gasped and nearly drops the book.

~ Back to Gabby Pov ~

I gasped as Dean's head falls into my lap suddenly and his tired eyes gazing up at mine as I spoke.

"Jesus Dean don't-... rough day huh?"

Dean doesn't respond and only nods, I could see his eyes turn glossy and I felt bad for him. I put the book away and stroke my fingers through his hair, whilst semi hugging him and talking softly to him. Dean sighs holding my forearm lightly and leaning into my every touch, I watched as his eyes began to close and his body relaxed. Dean was falling asleep, I could tell. He didn't get much, so when he did I made sure to keep him sleeping. His head falls to the side and he snores softly, I smiled down at his sleepy face as Sam walks into the room with takeout.

"I'll just leave it here"

Sam whispered as he places the bag on the coffee table and leaves us be, I traced the wounds on his arms wondering how he got them and if it was painful. I always worried for Dean, he seemed to always come home with injuries and I was always the one to patch him up. Dean slightly shifts and rolls over, I adjusted my position and held him close. His fingers intertwined with mine as he holds it tightly and exhaled deeply.


I had been sitting on the couch with Dean sleeping in my embrace. I watched as he shifts and wakes up, Dean groans and looks up at me with sleepy eyes.

"Hey sleepy head"

"Ugh~ how long~?"

"About three hours... also there is some cold takeout just there for you"


Dean sits up and grabs the bag, I stretched out to release the stiffness of my body and regain feeling in my arms and legs.

"Feeling better?"

"Yeah it's even better when your here"

I slightly smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek before letting him continue to eat, I shifted closer to Dean as a cold breeze blew past me and caused me to shiver. Dean noticed and placed his arm around my shoulders, I leaned into him and felt the heat radiating off his body.

"Why didn't you wake me when the food came? cause now I have to eat it cold"

"I know, but you seemed so peaceful and besides you can heat it up"

"Too late now"

Dean throws the last bit of rubbish into the bag and placed it back on the coffee table before pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Dean your squishing me!"

Dean and I were laughing, he kept squeezing and I was trying to get out of his grip.

"Dean I'm serious, your crushing me!!"

Dean released his tight grip and used a softer grip as he kisses the tip of my nose, I giggled and kiss his lips softly. Our eyes connected, locked in the gaze.


"Dean! Gabby!"

Sam rushed in and interrupted us, we look over at him.

"We got a case!"

"Seriously Sammy! That's what you wanted to say?! Come on man!"

"It's alright Dean"

I laughed lightly and place my hand over his, but Dean didn't seem to happy about being interrupted.

Seriously Dean..?

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