Our Time Together (Dean x Sam)

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~ Dean Pov ~

Sam and I were taking a break from cases, it had been a tough couple of weeks and we were both tired. Bobby was out on a case so he had given us the house for a week or two, I was in the kitchen grabbing a beer and opening it to take a swallow. I walk into the lounge and stood in the door way watching the back of Sam's head, it looked like he was reading. I smiled softly and quietly snuck up, I put my arms around him which caused him to freak out and close his book. I kiss his ear and nuzzle his hair, Sam chucked lightly and closes his eyes.


"Just shut up and enjoy it, Sam"

Sam smiles and grabs my arm, I was pulled over the couch and ended up with my head in his lap. I look up at him and noticed his crazy hair, I sit up and grab a pillow, I rest the pillow against the armrest and tapped Sam's shoulder.

"What's up?"

"Come lay down"

Sam looks at me weirdly and sighs before laying his head against the pillow with his back laying across my lap, I gently comb my fingers through his thick hair and was a little shocked at how long it had gotten. Sam continued to read his book and I wanted to watch tv but the remote was too far away.

"Sammy, can you pass the remote?"

"Yeah sure"

Sam reached a hand out and grabs the remote, I take the remote from him and push the button. The tv turns on and I changed the channel to the sports one, it was a rerun of yesterday's game that I missed. As hunters, Sam and I never get time to spend together that isn't to do with cases or killing something. It was nice, I liked this time we have together and cherished it. I glanced down and chuckled as Sam had fallen asleep with the book drooping down, I carefully take the book from him and put it down.


~ Sam Pov ~

I stretched out and sigh, I look over and see the tv still playing. But Dean was fast asleep and snoring, I get up and turn off the tv after taking it out his hand. I stretched up and yawn loudly, whilst walking to the kitchen and turning the kettle on. I grab out a coffee mug and lean against the counter, while rubbing my face and sighing softly. I tensed feeling arms wrap around my torso and a face being nuzzled into my back, I chuckle noticing it was Dean and that he looked like a mess. He groans and I lift my arm up as Dean walks under it to hug me from the front, I put my arm around his shoulders and place my chin on his head.

"Want coffee?"


I smiled a little hearing his tired voice and grabbed another mug, I nuzzled into his messy hair and inhale his whiskey scent. The kettle went off, so I poured the hot water into the mugs and stirred everything together.


Dean moves his head to the side and removes one hand to grab the coffee, I couldn't help but smile at his affection side and ruffled his short hair.

"Can we do this more often?... I kinda like it"

"Of course"

It's our time together that matters...

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