Your Good Boy (Castiel x Dean)

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~ Dean Pov ~

Castiel and I have been apart for awhile now, he had some business to deal with and I carried on doing cases with Sam. We talked a lot in my dreams and sometimes he'd call through the phone, it was the only way we could communicate as we were both busy. I missed him a lot and wished he was here because I haven't had a lot of kisses, hugs or cuddles. I was currently on the road and Sam was on his laptop researching more about the history of the town. We parked at the first motel that had a vacancy and got a room, Sam immediately sits at the table with his laptop and I flopped on the bed. It was so good to be in a bed and have personal space back, Sam and I had been sleeping in the car with no personal space. It drove us both mad and we had to still be nice to each other. I sighed closing my eyes and stretched my arms out, Sam was mumbling on about ghosts and demons.

"Do you mind?"


"Your mumbling again"

"Oh... I can't help it"

I rolled my eyes and closed them, it was quiet but it was soon broken by the sounds of Sam's mumbling. I groaned and took the car keys out my pocket, I throw them at Sam who flinched and glared at me.

"Go out and do research instead of annoying me"

"Fine... is four hours good enough!"

"Yes that's perfect"

Sam takes the keys and his laptop before storming out the room, I sigh from the new founded silence and smile to myself. I looked at my phone and noticed no calls from Castiel, which made me frown and scroll down to his contact. I press it and hover my finger over the call button, Castiel sometimes never answers because he's busy. But I press it and put it on speaker.

"Hello Dean, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I just miss you"

"I miss you too"

I noticed my member getting hard and swallowed harshly, it was a problem I had been having and sometimes I'd have wet dreams because of it.

"Are you busy at the moment?"

"No... why?"

"I have a problem"

"What's the matter?"

"My friend is a little hard, I was wondering if I could fix it"

"Okay, let's do it together"

I unzip my pants and pull it down along with my underwear, I grabbed my semi hard member and stroke it. My soft moans and gasps filled the room, I panted and throw my head back.

"Dean, stroke it slow"


"Do it"

I stroked it slower and my hips bucked, Castiel praised me and continued to talk dirty.

"Please Cas~"

"Okay, stoke it at your own pace"

I thanked him and stroked my member faster, I could feel my heart racing and my breathing increased as I was nearing my end.

"Don't you dare cum without my permission"

"But Cas~"

"Hold it"

I bit my lip and held the pleasure in, it was hard as I was pumping fast. I moaned again and let my head fall forward, Castiel praises me as I was seriously nearing the end.

"I'm~ please~"

"Good boy~"


"You can you cum~"

I stroked one last time and came hard, my body jolted and I gasped feeling the pleasure shoot through my body. I relaxed against the headboard of the bed and let go of my member, Castiel chuckles.

"Who's good boy are you?"

"I'm your good boy"

"That's a good boy, I have to go now"

"Alright, love you Cas"

"Love you too"

~ Castiel Pov ~

I put my phone away as the call ended and looked down at the man kneeling before me, I scanned the room with all the dead bodies and then back to the man holding my wrist that held his hair. I frowned and noticed he was crying, while blood drips down his face.

"Sorry about that, I just had to deal with a problem"

"Please don't kill me"

"But I have too, it's my order"

The man trembles and continues to beg for his life, I snapped his neck as the body falls to the ground. It was quiet, I wiped the blood off my face and look at the time. I didn't realise my call took long and that my superiors were going to be annoyed, I didn't particularly care anyways as Dean was always my first priority and will help him with his problems.

He's my good boy...

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