The Yellow Field (Castiel x Male Reader)

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~ Elliot Pov ~

Dean, Sam, Castiel and I were all crammed in the impala. Everyone was getting grumpy and Castiel was looking out the window at the field with yellow flowers, I tapped Dean on the shoulder and asked him to pull over for a break. Dean turns the car off and everyone piled out, Sam grabbed out the beer and joins Dean side leaning against the side of the impala. I followed Castiel lazily and watched him from afar as he sits amongst the yellow flowers and picks out some, it was a beautiful sight. I stood there with my hands in my jeans pockets and gaze at Castiel, the breeze was nice and caused Castiel's hair to get messy. I look behind me and watch the Winchesters talk, whilst drinking their beers. I turned back to Castiel and walk over to him, he looks up at me and I hold my hand out.


I pulled him to his feet and pulled him into the field, Castiel was confused as I let go and tap his shoulder.



"Chase me! Then tag me!"

I began running off laughing and Castiel stood there, until I look back in front of me and slide to a stop seeing him pop up.


I sprinted in the other direction and bowled into Castiel, he grabs my shirt and pulls me down with him. We ended up laughing as the tall grass gave us privacy and our eyes were connected, I leaned all my weight into the arm that was placed beside his head.


"Yes Cas~"

"Can you ah- kiss me?"

"I've been waiting for you to say that~"

I gently pressed my lips against his and kiss him, Castiel seemed to be unsure of how to do it and I chucked quietly while pulling away.

"You've never done this before have you?"


I sigh smiling and gave him a short kiss before leaning down to his ear to whisper.

"Don't worry I'll teach you~"

I kiss Castiel's neck and nibbled his ear, Castiel moans softly and tilts his head to the side giving me more room. I continued to kiss down his neck and jawline before kissing his lips, it was slow combined with passion.

"Mhm~ Elliot~"

"Feels good?"

Castiel responds with another moan and puts his hands in my ruffled hair, I kissed him one last time and rest my forehead against his.

"We should get back"

"No, I like it here"

"I do too"

I pull away and stand up, Castiel takes my hand and stands up. We walked hand in hand back to the impala, where Dean and Sam were packing up.

"Can we continue later?"

"Of course"

I yawned sitting up with Castiel standing at the foot of the bed. He was smiling softly, I was tired and messy.

"Morning Elliot"

"Morning sweetheart"

"Good sleep?"

"The best"

I smiled, even when I'm sleeping Castiel and I still spend time together in my dreams. Sam and Dean walks in with takeout, I get out of bed to give Castiel a quick peck on the lips before putting on my shirt and heading over to the table.

"I need to get back"

And with that Castiel was gone, but not without leaving me with his memories of the yellow field.

Damn that yellow field...

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