This Is Wrong (Sam x Dean)

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Did you know this scene is from S5 EP1... so I thought I'd finish the story ;)


~ Sam Pov ~

I have been having weird feelings about Dean even though he was my brother. But everytime I see him, my heart beats faster and my body becomes hot. I was attracted to him. We were on a case, Dean and I were out in the woods hunting a rouge vampire that strayed from the ones we killed. It was a beautiful night, I look over at Dean who was so focus and had blood splatter on his face. It turned me on, I shook the thoughts out my head and saw the vampire up ahead. I quietly tapped Dean and pointed to the vampire, he nods and moves his finger in a circular motion. We split off and got closer, I grabbed the vampire and Dean cut the head off. Dean wipes his face and I let go of the body, we were tired. It had been a long night for us and quickly got back to the car, Dean drives back to the motel and parks in front of our room. I unlock the door and discard my coat, Dean flops on the bed and I was left sitting at the table alone with my laptop. Dean turns over with his back towards me and curls up, I turn back to my laptop and searched for more cases.

The next day...

We decided to stick around instead of driving as we had no cases yet and thought of taking a day off, Dean was in the bathroom and I was freaking out about my feelings for him. But when Dean exits the bathroom wearing jeans with his hair damp and a towel draped around his neck, it has me reeling. I clear my throat and look away, I glanced at him and watch as he walks over to his bag. I stood up and approached him from behind, Dean turns around and flinches.

"Jesus Sammy"

I gazed into his eyes and lean down, Dean was confused and looks up at me. I kissed him softly and pull away, Dean wipes his mouth and pushes me away.

"This is wrong, Sam"

"Then I don't want to be right"

I wrap my arm around his waist and kiss him harshly, Dean became overwhelmed with lust and wraps his arms around my neck as he deepened the kiss. I picked him up and laid him down on the bed, whilst getting in top. Dean breaks the kiss and pants, I kissed down his neck and torso stopping at his jeans. I glance up at Dean who had his eyes closed and his arms were above his head, I could see Dean's tent grow and his hips move slightly at my every touch. I stripped off everything before taking off Dean's bottoms and throwing them to the side, I hovered above Dean and smile softly.

"Foreplay or nah?"

"Fuck the foreplay"

"You sure? You'll be very sore in the morning"

"Just fucking kiss me already"

Dean pulls me down for a kiss and tightly wraps his arms around my neck, I lifted his legs a little and spread them apart. Dean breaks the kiss to gasp as I thrusted in and kept to a decent pace, I groaned at how tight he was.

"Fuck Sammy"

"Your so tight"

I bit my lip and continued to thrust, Dean relaxes into the pleasure and begins to become a moaning mess. Dean scratches at my back and throws his head back.

"Sam~ I'm about-~"

Before Dean could finish his sentence, he came harshly as his legs twitched uncontrollably. I came shortly after feeling him tighten around me.

"Damn Dean"

"Shut up"

I chuckled softly and kiss Dean's forehead, I pulled out and get up to go have a shower.

"Where are you going now?"


Dean rolls over in the bed and covers himself with the sheets, I climbed into the hot shower and wash away everything. I dried myself off and put on my clothes, it wasn't a long shower. Dean was already fast asleep on the bed and didn't look like he was going to wake up anytime soon, I grabbed the car keys and locked the room door behind me. Dean was probably going to be hungry and sore after our little session, so I needed to go get takeout and grab a newspaper too. I found a diner close by and order four burgers with a side of chips.

"Do you think I can have this?"

I gestured to the newspaper sitting on the counter.

"Sure, the last guy left it here"


I take the newspaper and the bag of takeout before heading back to the motel, I park the car and unlock the room door. When I got inside, Dean was sitting up groaning in pain and wearing my shirt. I smiled and chuckled lightly, which Dean didn't like.

"Where did you go?"

"I got takeout... sore are you?"

"No thanks to you"

"If I remember correctly you didn't want to muck around with foreplay"



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