What's Wrong, Dean? (Dean x Female Reader)

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~ Bella Pov ~

After the first hunt I went along with, Dean had decided it would be best if I stayed with Bobby because he didn't want me to get hurt or distract him from the job and as his girlfriend, I respected his decision. I didn't mind being around Bobby and besides the amount of research and help we do from the house is unspeakable. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when Dean and Sam just walked in after coming back from a hunt, Bobby was sitting at the table with a beer and Dean beelines it to me. I put my things down before wiping my hands and wrapping my arms around his neck as he kisses me, I break the kiss to hug him tightly before pulling away to continue cooking. He didn't seem like himself as I watched him walk out the room, Sam was sitting with Bobby.

"How was it?"

"Great, we killed the monster"

"Hm okay"

My initial thought was something went wrong with the hunt, but now I wasn't sure. Dinner was nearly done, so I told the boys to take it out the oven when it was done and eat. I headed upstairs and to our shared room, it was silent. The sound of water coming from the bathroom indicated that Dean was showering, so I lock the bedroom door and strip down as I walk into the bathroom. I pull the shower curtain back and climbed in, Dean's back was facing me and his head hung low under the water. I put a hand on his back which caused him to pull and pin me against the wall as the water pours down on us.

"Bella, what are you doing?"

"What's wrong, Dean?"

"Tsk- nothing"

Dean releases my wrists and looks away, I put my hand on his cheek forcing him to look at me.


Our eyes locked in a gaze, my lips slighlty parted as Dean leans in and closes the gap between us. I placed my arms around his shoulders and deepen the kiss, Dean's hands grabbed my thighs and lift me up. I moaned feeling bare skin rub against each other as my legs were wrapped around his waist and my back was pressed against the hard tiles. I run my fingers through his wet hair and tilt my head to the side as he breaks the kiss to kiss my neck.


I could feel his hard member press up against my core.

"Hah~ Dean please~"

Dean smirks and thrusted hard, I choked on my moan and scratched Dean's back. My head falls back and my fingers gripped his shoulders, I was a moaning mess. The pleasure increased fast and Dean started groaning, he forcefully kisses me. The hot water caused our bodies to become slippery as Dean's fingers were struggling to hold my thick thighs.

"Dean~ I'm slipping~"

I increased my hold on Dean's neck and he adjusted the position, so I wasn't slipping. His thrusts became messy and desperate, I gasped as I came so suddenly with my uncontrollable twitching legs. Dean thrusted in one last time before releasing his load inside me and pulls out, I was placed gently on the ground and Dean turns the water off before getting out the shower, I got out and wrap a fluffy towel around my body. Dean and I got dressed before heading downstairs, Sam was sitting at the table with Bobby and the big chicken in between them.


"I could eat"

"I'm starving"

I giggled and pull a chair out, but Dean had another idea and yanks me into his lap with a big plate of chicken infront of us.

"Make sure you eat"


It had been two weeks and I haven't been feeling great, Dean and the boys were downstairs chatting. Whilst I was sitting on the closed toilet seat staring at the pregnancy test, I watched as the results turned positive and my heart drops. I was happy, but what would the boys think. They'd just throw me out, I needed to tell them. I was scared, I take the pregnancy test downstairs with me and approached the boys that sat around the table drinking. They turned their attention towards me as I stood at the head of the table.

"Hey what's up?"

"I have something to tell you all"


"I- um- I'm-pregnant-"

I blurted it out, my fear had overcome me and I just watched their faces turn into shock. Dean's face was just alittle pale and Sam was processing, whilst Bobby was the only one that wasn't too surprised.



Sam and Bobby were laughing from joy as they stood up to hug me, but they released me and look at Dean. They look back at me and I smiled as I walk past them, I place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him in for a hug. He nuzzled into my belly as I softly stroke his hair.

"I know it's a lot to take in, heck I'm still surprised-"

"I love you... I want to have this baby with you"

Dean pulls back to look up at me with teary eyes and smiles, I began tearing up and cup his face. He closes his eyes as we kissed.

I love you too Dean...

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