Zalgo + Slenderman (redone)

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Zalgoid was sealed away by Jane 17 years ago, starving away and slowly being drained away of its powers to fuel their weapons to kill any supernatural she comes across.

It became the ruler of the underworld by slowly devouring people weaker than it, becoming more and more powerful, eventually over taking the current strongest.
After he was sealed off he was instantly dethroned and out powered by someone else.

It escaped the seal because of Stripes and was eventually eaten by Lazari.

It has so many kids and doesn't look after them because of that, and eats the defective ones as they wouldn't survive anyway.
Zalgo started having kids with humans because it was curious what would happen, but after the 2 could barely walk it stopped and continued with regular Zalgoids.
Its many followers assumed it would have high standards and taught them with that in mind.

Zalgo has many folklore surrounding it, many believe it is a devine being that will rid the world of its sins.

It's formed dozens of cults over the centuries.

Zalgo can shapeshift, it rarely ever shapes into a human form and only if it absolutely has too, usually when it's on Earth. Its human form isn't consistent, its appearance changes depending on the person it was pursuing.

Its powers include resurrecting the dead, shapeshifting, teleportation, possession and reality warping. However in the human world he's weaker.

It brought Scarecrow alive because it wanted to know how he would react when his friend became alive and want the scarecrow would do.
Zalgo is very curious about human nature even if it doesn't necessarily care about them.

It can speak multiple languages because of how old it is, but its speech is glitched and scrambled.

Zalgo consumes its victims to sustain itself.

Zalgo has a lot of kids, thousands even and very rarely will the kid turn out to be male.
It doesn't connect with any because it sees it as just progressing the species.

It's 10 meters tall in demon form, and 2 meters in human form.


It's been around since the beginning of time.

It's the only one of its kind, though it can last for millennium.

It's 15  metres tall.

Slenderman can mimic human voices, teleport, cause Slender sickness, mind control, though it can on do it on weak minded individuals, and electronic distortion.

Most Proxies believe it is their saviour and dedicate their life to it and kill because they believe it is what they want from them while it slowly drives them mad and killing them.
Its Proxies are Kate the chaser, Charlie jr, Rouge, Wilson the Basher, Labrador, Aleida, Rosie, Hunter, Hannya and Ellie.
Slenderman Proxies have self proclaimed ranks, these being:

The Hallowed - Those who have been totally dominated by it and act only upon its will. Brainless, emotionless drones. Useful for attacking but otherwise useless. From many limited interactions, they just sit around in a catatonic state when it's not leading them like puppets.

The Berserkers - Those who are under its control but can act on their own when it isn't commanding them. These are far more dangerous than the Hallowed, because they can work their way into positions of trust to further its agenda. They often think that they are Agents, but they are not.

The Sleepers - Those who are under Slender Man's control, but are unaware. They come under its control when their mind is at its weakest, during blackouts or when asleep.

The Agents - Those who act for it, despite not usually being under its control. Whatever their motivations, if they act on its behalf, then they are Agents. One of their biggest assets is that they're (if they are not proxified) totally sane and retain all of their mental faculties, which means they can target people in ways far more creative than anything that the Tall One itself can think of. They are kinda the equivalent to cultists.

It has a one track mind of infecting, that is all it knows and cares about, slowly infecting people with Slender sickness.
It stalks its victims for years or even decades if necessary.

When it encountered Lazari, it stalked and mentally tormented her for 1 week, but got confused and didn't affect her, not knowing what they really are, looking vaguely like a human but feeling different.
She got frightened and transformed into their Zalgoid form, this made Slenderman back off.

His mouth can 'tear' open, oozing a liquid that has various effects if consumed.

There is a group working trying prevent and kill any infected called the anti body.

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