Nathan the nobody + Crystal the hidden

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Warnings: trafficking, gore, torture, death and drugs

Nathan was invited to the party by a friend and he wanted Crystal to come in case they had no one to talk to.
They were followed, drugged and trafficked at a party to be organ harvested.

When they misbehaved the two were constantly hurt, starved and belittled.
They were made to do manual labour, their organs were taken gradually over time, usually not knowingly but convinced them they needed a surgery if they were already injured by the poor conditions.
Crystal was treated the worst, she struggled to keep up because of her illnesses.

They were convinced that their parents signed a contract to have them there.

Crystal was killed during surgery because of the malpractice equipment, getting an infection.
In order to make more profit they sold her remaining functional organs.
Nathan didn't take her death well, he was in complete denial and assumed they hid her.

They go for the kidneys, lungs and liver's while alive and bones, eyes and skin parts when dead.

People didn't take them missing that seriously, they just assumed it was kids wandering off for a while and their overreacting parents.
The police started being more serious when they didn't come back in a week.

After all the trauma, she manifested into a ghost, a distorted version of herself that can barely interact with the world, most people can't see her because she doesn't want to terrify people.
She stays close to Nathan, not having anyone else.
Crystal still cares about him, but he scares and confuses her, she tries to tell him that she's right next to him, that he doesn't have to kill innocent people and they can just live their lives the best they can now that they're free, but he doesn't want to believe she's the real one, just a fake that's helping him until he finds the real one.

She attached herself to her old necklace that Nathan stitched into his pocket, if it were to break she would turn into black mist and eventually completely disappear.

Crystal is always floating to try and ease the constant suffering and aches, she has horrible vision because of her eyes not being intact.

Nathan kills anyone, the only exception being kids.
They can be very violent with his kills, it's worse when they look similar to Crystal or himself because he thinks they're a fake trying to replace them.
Crystal used to try and help the victim get away as best she can, but stopped quickly after she couldn't do anything.

Crystal helps him lose track of the authorities, sometimes he gets too carried away and she'll possess him, forcing him to leave or get it over with.
She doesn't approve of their decisions, but has become used to the killings and she still cares and doesn't want him in another cell for however long.
They were caught by the police, not all of the victims were found and he spent 5 years in prison, the sentence was less severe because they were considered too mentally unstable to know what he was doing.

They saw their mum for the first time in years, Crystal was very relieved and happy to see her, Nathan wanted nothing to do with her, however.
Crystal had a lot of questions for their mum and possessed Nathan to ask, only for her to not know anything about the trafficking.
She rarely visited because she couldn't bear to see her son in that sort of state.
Their dad never visited because he was to ashamed and disappointed in Nathan.

The prison was overcrowded and resorted to prisoners being mixed together, that's where they met Ciara and started dating, Crystal made him go talk to her because he kept eyeing her.
She keeps them more grounded and helped him leave earlier by a few months on good behaviour, sometimes they had to intervene to prevent them from blowing up on the staff.

She adores Ciara, Crystal likes talking to someone who's more put together and someone that's not Nathan.
She's thought about looking for others that are like her.

During his first year of prison time he had gotten into a few fights because he couldn't get along with any of the inmates.

He has a Mastiff named Daisy, they trained her to bark when someone is near by.

Nathan has gauges they got as a teenager.

Crystal is more bubbly, level headed and tactical, she tries to keep the positive attitude up to cheer people up, including herself.
While Nathan has always been more gloomy, impulsive and reckless.

He hated school, they were bullied in middle school and completely ignored in high school, he wanted to drop out but wasn't allowed to.
Crystal wasn't popular either, but enjoyed it a lot more, she liked learning, often fixating on the task until it's done and hanging out with her few friends.

They live in a 4 bedroom house with Ciara and her brother, Kiran.

He has a muscular build, Crystal had one in the beginning from all the work, but became more malnourished near her death.

When they were kids the two liked dressing up the same to confuse people, but as they got older
they wanted to be as different as possible.

Crystal is older by a few minutes, she always called dibs and tried bossing him around.

She loved playing volleyball.
Nathan wasn't much of a sports person, he preferred going to the gym while listening to music.

He liked playing video games, his favourite was Assassin Creed.

She has a tattoo of a heart on her collarbone and a music note on her ankle.
Nathan has a small misty cat on their shoulder.

He uses marijuana quite often, it's addictive but it also grounds and calms him down.

He has compulsions that he has to do, they're constantly counting things, like rain drops, rearranging and hoarding furniture and repeatedly checking locks and appliances.
He becomes very anxious and paranoid if he is unable to finish them.

Nathan's favourite artist is Cannibal Corpse, Crystals is dua lipa and Ariana Grande.

She's blocked out some of the abuse from her memories.

Nathan intimidated a lot of people that weren't close to them, most writing him off as the creepy goth kid.

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