Jeff the Killer

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Warnings: cannibalism, body dysmorphia, animal cruelty, suicide, death.

Jeff was in and out of therapy, eventually getting transferred to a Psychiatric hospital for 1 year.
He made really good progress, his psychiatrist didn't want to let him go yet since he wasn't prepared, but he wasn't deemed bad enough.
Jeff was trying to get his life together the best he could, though without the support he had before, he slipped up a few times and started losing the progress.
Peter and Margaret brought him to Barbara's for the weekends to meet new people like him and get out of the house, hoping it'd be a fun alternative to a mental hospital.
At school he would get bullied constantly, to the point he felt safer at the hospital loving the routine with a lot less harassment.
He felt like a failure the moment he went into a ward.

Jeff was always a bit of a troublemaker, and was labeled a problem child,
It begin with him being to talkative and playing to rough, eventually teachers would punish him for things he didn't do because he's the one always messing around.
As time went on, he started fitting that mould and became more of a bully.

Jeff was very dependent on his parents, Jeff hated it and wanted to be more independent, though wasn't able to get a job.

Once Jeff turned 15, he started fantasising about killing people, to distract himself on the urges he'd draw out the ideas on paper, he never told his therapist because Jeff stopped trusting them after the last one reported it to his parents and police.

He started dressing very masculine and cut his hair very messily and short, and tried deepening his voice to present more masculine.

Jeff was bullied throughout high school by Randy, Troy and Keith because he started bullying Sully.
It went from name naming and shoving to stalking, robbing and holding him down.
At one point Jeff brought a knife to the fight and stabbed Troy, Keith managed to taking the knife, pin and stab him.
This is when they realised how far they went and stopped, but Jeff was obsessed, he was waiting and waiting for something, and wanted to continue and it was driving him nuts, to the point he started egging them on by going to their house, breaking windows, and stalking them.

Jeff killed Jane Arkensaw's dad first, they planned it together to help her, but Jeff was just fulfilling fantasies.
Jeff made up a fake party for Jane and to set everyone, including himself, on fire to end everything whilst getting the thrill and being remembered.

Jeff has severe body dysmorphia. He can't perceive his body. It's at its worst when his face is in the process of healing, which causes him to redo it to try and ease the feeling.
This self destructive behaviour caused a lot of pain, swelling and pus, to the point where he had to stop and let it heal over, creating very visible and uneven scarring.
Jeff is particular with his clothes and hair, and it annoys him to no end when he can't control his hair without it falling in clumps.

He is impulsive most of the time and very rarely thinks about the consequences before doing something.

He hides his weak sides. If he ever feels as if he is being backed into a corner he will lash out by getting very physically aggressive.
Jeff hate's feeling small and insignificant like before, and is another reason he can come across as arrogant and aggressive to new people.

His left eye started melting during the fire and could not be saved.

He was very close with his grandma and the only one he didn't go after.

He used to stalk Jane Arkensaw, he even still has pictures of her that she doesn't know about to this day.

He drinks occasionally, he tried smoking as a stress reliever as well but hated the bad cough and smell.

He always has the blood on him from previous victims, it's most of his hard work and he doesn't want to remove it but instead show it off and his dedication.

Jeff was really into sports before his leukaemia diagnosis, his favourite being football.

He has always hated the name Jeffery, because he thought it sounded stupid especially as he got older, and everybody just started calling him Jeff.

His only friend is Nina, he doesn't make much of an effort to talk to anyone else, but when he does he'd usually screw it up.
He used to be friends with Vicky, Hannah and Jane Arkensaw in school.
He got along really well with them before he attacked them.

He was always financially dependent on someone, whether his parents or Liu because he was never able to get a job. It hit him hard when he was homeless.

He's scrawny and tall.

Before becoming a killer, he wanted to open a restaurant with authentic Italian and even though he knows he can't do any of that now, he still sometimes dreams of doing it.

He's a cannibal, and he'll often eat his victims to hide the evidence and for a source of food. He was curious about human meat when he was in his early 20s, after he found out about ghosts, the next time he killed he tried it, as a way to get rid evidence and eventually had gotten a craving for human flesh.

He never buries the bodies anymore and either burns or eats them.

Jeff became paranoid after finding out about ghosts and couldn't sleep without seeing his families rotted body, he always woke never knowing if it was real or not, he slept with an axe just in case.

He's fluent in Italian and English, with an American accent.

He used to kill animals, and dissect them when he was a kid, it was small ones like mice or birds, he never went for animals like cats or rabbits, ect because he cared more about them than smaller ones.

There were tons of rumours about him becoming a school shooter one day.

He's addicted to caffeinated drinks, his main one is monster energy drinks. His favourite one is the original.

His favourite artist is Eminem and Yungblud.

He can play the acoustic guitar, he'd play it for Victoria, Hannah and Jane, now playing for Nina.

His life now is a lot more exciting; it allows him to be himself, express himself in ways he couldn't, previously. It does have its hardships, but he's willing to take them head on since it means having fun.

He doesn't shower often, this is because of all the wounds and scabs on him. It irritates him when he does shower so he only showers like once every few months, and he smells horrible.

His relationship with Liu has been nonexistent for a while even before trying to kill Liu, their relationship was never that close to begin with, because they were so different and brought up very differently.
Though they weren't the closest, they still hanged out together occasionally and Liu tried helping with the bullying when he could.

He doesn't feel remorse or regret for most of his actions, he doesn't care who he affects as long as it benefits him.

He has a really explosive temper, and gets mad very easily, sometimes even getting violent.

Jeff was best friends with Nina, they were horrible to each other when they got into arguments but loved the good times and hanging out, being competitive and seeing who's better.

He recorded all of his kills in his early days and uploaded them to various sites. He loved the attention and all his acquired fans. they've made edits of him before, and would always watch the videos, no matter how disturbing they are. He still has a small amount of people defending him to this day.

He has 1 movie about him, a reimagined version of his childhood leading up being a killer.

He's very sloppy and weak, many of his victims survived the initial attack.
Them surviving is a constant reminder that he's not good at anything.

Jeff targets happy families the most, out of jealousy, but won't bother unless a door or window is unlocked.
He stabs people in their sleep repeatedly and writes "go to sleep" in their blood.

Jeff doesn't get caught because he has multiple hideouts under ground, well hidden and stashed with essentials.

He died by Nina, who back stabbed him to become the best.

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