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Warning: mentions of Suicide, death car accident.

Zayner was run over by a driver speeding, she skidded across the road and bled out by the time the driver went to check on her.
She buried Zayner near by, she came back from the dead a few hours later, not remembering much from previous life.

She likes to sing at night, a few animals like to go up close and join her.

When she travels, Roadwalker has a habit of helping whatever being she can, which sometimes results in the beings gratitude leading them to become loyal to her.
This strangely has only worked on deer and a raccoon, at the moment she has three deer and 1 raccoon friends, an adult doe named Amber, a teenage buck named Brood, a male fawn (Amber's fawn) named Bambi and a male raccoon named Gideon.
Like Roadwalker, these dead animals can only interact with other ghosts.

Roadwalker does not kill, she prevents people and animals the like from hunters, suicide and car crash hotspots.
This is because she grew fascinated with the cycle of life after her death, and won't let someone prematurely end it.

Roadwalker is a fairly weak ghost, and can't harm anyone living, she can only float, teleport short distances, feeling others emotions and possession. What makes her weak is that her limited powers need a lot of energy, therefore she doesn't even use them often, only when  absolutely necessary.

Living people can't see her, only with high tech only available to certain paranormal hunters and when she possesses people.

She's a hippy and loves the outdoors, she's been vegan since her 17s.

She used to smoke pot.

Roadwalker wears a lot of long clothes that are typically browns and greens.

Her favourite artist is Queen.

She loves her hair, Zayner took really good care of it and always tried learning how to do things with it, she would sometimes experiment with when she was younger, like cutting it really short or trying new colours.

She has a feather with lots of colours on her collar bone, and a simple rose tattoo on her wrist. Zayner didn't look after them and even covered them a lot of the time, they've became faded and lost some colour.

She's a very stoic and closed off person, who doesn't like socialising with many people, she prefers animals.

She had a very good life, a small group of friends, nice, supportive parents and although they weren't that well off, they made the best of what they had.

She always believed in ghosts, so she wasn't as shocked after becoming one; if anything she was the most content out of everyone, because she can finally be more like herself without judgement or harassment.
Though she wasn't expecting the constant aches and pains because of the accident.
Her leg is in a lot of pain and she floats all the time to ease the pain.

Roadwalker started stalking her family and friends, she would often intervene with their lives and try to help them make it slightly better. She did this for 10 years until eventually moving on and living in a forest and befriending the mob of deers.

Her dad left them when she was little, he eventually comes back and steps up when she's a teenager, she manages to forgive him and get closer with him.

Roadwalker is very close with Weeping Forest, other than Sadie, she's her only friend.
She's acquaintances with Ally because of Weeping Forest, but don't get along as well.

She's not that close to the kids, she wants to be but doesn't know how to after decades of not socialising.

She's closet with Iris, she feels horrible for her and always tries to make her feel better.

She stays away from murderers, the only exception is people that kill horrible people, and kid murderers because they have good intentions and don't know any better even if she disagrees.
This is one of the reasons she wants to get closer to the kids, to teach them better coping mechanisms and how to handle their emotions.

Her favourite food is a homemade curry.
She cooked a lot of her own food instead of trying to find vegan options at stores or troubling the workers to custom make her order.

Zayner had a few different jobs growing up, an Indian restaurant, newspaper delivery and a McDonald's cashier.

She saved her money and rented a house with a friend to split the bills.

Her voice had a small echo to it after her death.

Zayner was a closeted lesbian throughout her whole life, not telling anyone until her death.

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