Bloody painter

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Warnings: death, gore, emotional abuse

He is very calm and quiet. He doesn't really express himself or speak much, he is very apathetic towards things that don't concern him and he is a selfish egoist, and will always think of himself first. He judges anything by whether it benefits him or not.

His childhood was spent under the pressure of parents' high expectations and control; since his parents had hoped for a daughter and not a son, they decided to treat Otis like a girl by giving him a more female name and dressing him up like a girl.
Helen lived two lives, one as a studious young boy in the public, forced to get the highest possible education, always A's, and in private nothing more than a toy for his parents to dress up as a girl, forcing him to act feminine and portray himself as a girl behind closed doors. Helen found escape in art and wished to grow up and pursue it, however, his parents ridiculed him for this, as they thought he wouldn't be able to make a living. Destroying any art supplies they would find and physically abusing, degrading, and humiliating him constantly as punishment.

He acts and dresses very masculine since he went no contact.

He has a really hard time expressing his emotions. He'd rather say nothing at all than risk saying something that didn't clearly communicate what he's thinking

On the night of October 30th, 1994, Otis began a massacre in his dorm, killing 17 and wounding 5.
He wasn't able to kill those people because of the police.
The victims of the killing are all students from his class. Due to the large number of casualties, the police suspected the involvement of accomplices in the murder.

On October 31st, a security camera captures a footage of a masked figure killing a pedestrian, which was uploaded onto the internet. Weeks later, on November 17th, residents reported to the police about a strong, rotting smell from Otis' residence that had persisted for several days.
Following an investigation in the house, the police discovered five corpses, all hung upside down. The corpses' blood was already dry. Next to the corpses were also numerous paintings and grotesque sculptures made with the corpses' blood and body parts, respectively. Otis was also nowhere to be found in the house. Later, the police department confiscated all of the body's, and restricted the house for further investigation.
Otis was voted not guilty by reasons of insanity, and was transferred to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

He is really close to Puppeteer and Emra, they're the only people he somewhat trusts other than Angel.

He's fluent in mandarin and English.

He loves reading novels, as a kid he liked comics to look at the art. His favourite genre is thriller.

At school, Helen had to deal with endless bullying, mocking and isolating from his classmates because he was seen as the weird kid and awkward one because of his lack of social skills and feminine name, and growing up he also had to deal with people making fun of his skin.

Bloody Painter listens to a lot of true crime podcasts when he's drawing.

Otis drinks amber ale every weekend with Puppeteer.

He's been working hard since a kid to do realism and has a photorealistic style.
Otis has started teaching Angel.

How he draws people often gives an idea of how he thinks of them. Otis struggles to see other human beings as "people", so he thinks of them as things like robots.
when he sees someone as a real, human being, he often draws them in more gory ways because to him it reinforces that they're a real person, since they have blood and organs. He only draws Dina like this.
He has a strong interest in the paranormal or otherworldly, and most of his drawings reflect it.

Otis grew up being a bit of a scapegoat to his classmates, because he was always blamed for things, he can get very defensive.

He's really good at the piano, he was taught at a young age.

He has a fascination with the unknown; he loves researching things like extinct animals, paranormal sightings, and, his favorite, the bottom of the mariana trench. spends hours drawing creatures that may live down there.

One of his hobbies is people watching. taking walks through busy places and watching people go about their daily lives, he might use them as inspiration for his art too depending on their looks.

His method of killing is usually getting close to the person and poisoning the victim, or hitting them in the back of the head if it more convenient. He then poses them and takes many photos to paint them as a memorial.
He targets people he finds attractive or with natural unique characteristics, vitiligo, freckles, albinism, ect.
If someone has visible tattoos or scars he won't go after them.
He's efficient when it comes to killing, he makes it quick and neat as possible in order to not leave a mess or ruin the canvas.

Otis has an imposter who occasionally frames him for murders, purposely getting caught by cameras to make sure Otis takes notice.

Has a tattoo of a heart with Dina's initials inside.

His parents used to make him bleach his skin, he stopped when he was a teenager.

He prefers to be called Otis because of the bullying he experienced for having a feminine name.

He sells some of his artwork to make money, he bought his own house with the money and lives a comfortable lifestyle.

He thinks very highly of himself and used to be very careless in the beginning of his killing career.

Otis finds Angels eyes and her out look on life very interesting, and draws her often.

He enjoys being outside quite often. He'll often sit out in the yard on the grass and draw for a few hours or go for a long walk through nearby woods.

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