Milo the electrocuted

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Warnings: description of death and drowning.

Milo developed aspd early on and it was very difficult for him to form emotional attachments, and during his life, the only person he genuinely cared about was his mum, which he was very close to.
He never managed to make any friends, either, he preferred books or some animals to people.
Milo never really connected with his dad, he even resented his dad and had gotten into really bad arguments with each other because of how distant he was from working.

He grew up in Italy for most of his life and his English isn't very good, and it's often hard for his friends to understand him because of his thick accent.

From when he was a toddler, Milo was often bullied by his older brother, Domenico and his friends, who were seven years older than him. They never got along because of how different they were.
They fought constantly, their parents didn't do much because they thought they were just being boys, and would get along eventually.
If Milo wouldn't drop it then they'd do something eventually.

Milo loved the rain, especially playing in it while trying to splash as many puddles he can find.
He also liked collecting any bugs he wouldn't usually find in the sun.
Milo was out playing in the puddles again when Domenico and his friends ambushed him.
They dragged Milo to a nearby river and tossed him not caring about the warning signs or that the water was contaminated with left other electrical currents. They thought he was just going to get a little shock at best, but all that electricity paralysed him and drowned. They went in to save him, but it was too late and he couldn't be revived.

After Milo died, he came back as a vengeful spirit and killed Domenico, he was worried he'd come back as well, and ran far away not knowing what it takes to come back, afraid what might happen if he does.

His glasses are cracked from the accident, but continues to wear them as he likes the look of them.
He has very bad long sighted and struggles to see with his broken glasses.

Milo is often nicknamed Georgie by Iris, he doesn't understand it which makes it funnier to her, but it just makes him more annoyed.

His powers include intangibility, merging with water, controlling electricity, lifting objects and floating.

Milo can make himself transparent to bordering invisible, though it's not hard to spot him as he leaves wet, muddy footprints everywhere he goes. He also cannot do it if it's raining.

He sometimes helps Iris and Elizabeth do their hair.

he stills enjoys reading and is the better reader out of everyone there, he will sometimes read to the other kids.
His favourite genre is sci-fi.
He's stolen their favourite books from victims so they enjoy it more.

His nose started bleeding after getting electrocuted, and it constantly drips down his face making a mess.

He has an awful temper, often throwing things and is known to have a few screaming matches with the others, he has calmed down a lot since but can still get annoyed easily.
He used to pull his hair out in chunk out of anger, it got to the point his dad shaved his head multiple times when he was younger.

Roadwalker has been trying to give him tips to help him manage his anger.

Milo is very egotistical and thinks he's very intelligent and most people are idiots.

He was relieved when he came back at first, because now he could do whatever he wanted with no one telling him otherwise, but eventually it set in that he couldn't see his mum again, and he misses her a lot.

He was born in 1982.
He finds it hard to connect with the others being born in different times and countries, he finds the differences to jarring and interesting but sometimes unbelievable.

He's fluent in Italian and Spanish, he's been learning more English from the people around him.

Milo wanted to take over the family bakery when he was older, he was even learning how to bake with his mum.

His favourite food is torta della pies.

He loved space invaders and Pac-Man.

He prefers Roadwalker rather than Sadie.

Out of all the ghost children he's met he prefers Iris and Elizabeth, he does not get along with Sally at all, he finds her weird and creepy.
Milo used to get along with Sam well and even looked up to him; copying everything he did, until he felt Sam was ignoring him and Milo started to demonise him and compare Sam to his brother.

His favourite colour is blue.

Milo didn't know he was dead until he saw Domenico and his friends over his body, he felt a lot of different emotions, he hated him but never thought Domenico would kill him.

He loved to collect pin and stickers, he's since lost the collection and seems them as too childish for him.

Milo liked to kill ants and other small creatures.

He used to get bullied at school, and only got worse when they'd get a reaction out of him and he got violent.

He gives Elizabeth piggyback rides a lot so she doesn't have to crawl.

He likes to pretend to be a crocodile in the water and scare people.

He had gotten 2nd degree burns all over his body from being electrocuted.

He smells like the ocean.

His skin turned more of a blue tint and he has dull red patches after drowning.

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