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Warnings: sexual abuse, neglect, self harm and death

She tends to spend a lot of time in a pine forest as she appreciates nature, and loves looking at all the animals. She always has done this even when she was younger.

Clockwork started seeing Slenderman after entering the forest, and hates slenderman, the reason she hates slenderman is because he targets children. Clockwork loves children, she wants to protect them. Clockwork does not kill children, or teenagers, or people who want to end their lives.

she is not a narcissistic sociopath, but she is extremely protective and cautious and puts a wall up so people can't use her because she fears being vulnerable due to her past abuse. It takes a lot for her to get to trust someone, but if she does she is surprisingly caring.
When she does kill people it's usually either random adults, mainly men, or adults that are abusers, people that remind her of who hurt her. In a lot of ways she's a vigilante, when she kills these people she goes into a panic mode of fight or flight and she takes everything out on them.
Mainly her trauma drives her need to kill, she is an extremely mentally ill killer and she does not kill for fun. She does it because it helps her re-live killing her family and lets the memory and pain subside for a small while.
She'd even make them run, thinking they were able to get away just for her to chase them down to get more thrill.
Over some time, Clockwork doesn't find it helpful and does start to realize how unhealthy she is and actually tries to teach herself to kill less but it's a process.

After seeing entering the area, she was getting horrible headaches and was having days worth of memories gone, Clockwork realised fairly quickly what was happening and was scrambling to find any anticonvulsant medication from someone's house.
She made sure she always had some on her and it was rarely a problem until she decided she was fine and stopped taking them, and the symptoms increased dramatically until she started again.

She hates being called by her real name, because it reminds her of the past.
The only names she'll answer to are Clockwork, Clock, and Clocky. The only one who called her Clocky, is Toby and X-Virus.

Clockwork still really likes drawing, she has a few small sketchbooks that she keeps in her backpack that's filled with drawings. No one knows about it, and she would like to keep it that way. She continues to fill it with crude, messy, vent art, but occasionally she will do detailed works that she's proud of.
Clockwork drew Lyra and Connie described with the details Toby still remembers to remind him, she took her time and made it a lot neater.
Connie's has barely any distinct detail.

She works out a lot to keep fit, she's always worried she'll get spotted and always wants to be able to fight or run if need be.

Clockwork didn't know Toby died, and assumed he abandoned her or died horribly.
She was angry for awhile and thought about throwing away his things, but still wanted something to remember him.
Clockwork and Lyra made a makeshift grave.

Clockwork acts like a very sarcastic, loudmouth person to protect herself from others and because she was never allowed to be anything but ladylike.

Currently she lives with X-virus and Lyra in an apartment, X-virus is in charge of rent.

She can understand French perfectly fine, though she can only speak a few basic sentences and swears.

Clockwork was feeling horrible after having a panic attack, trying to tell x-virus what happened to her, after she collected herself, X-virus suggested they find her family's graves and smash them. She appreciated the thought and grew a lot closer to him, she sees him like a brother.

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