Sam Williams

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Warnings: Sexual abuse, neglect, death starvation.

When Sally went 'missing', Sam refused to believe she was dead like a lot of people and was determined to find her. He would put up missing posters and confided in John about his worries and wanted a bigger search party.
John agreed to be less suspicious but stopped after Sam came close to finding the body and tried telling him he's in denial.
Because he was getting to close to finding everything out, John killed him with a hammer and hid the body in the backyard in a hurry, Sam came back a few days later.

Decades after his death he was found and adopted by Suicide Sadie and Roadwalker. He lives with them and the other kids.

Sam and Sally have always had a very close sibling-like bond. Sam would always dress up with her, go to her tea parties and play with her Barbie dolls without question even though he normally hates doing girly stuff and John never liked it.
However they were drifting after Sally's abuse and though he still cares, after both of their deaths they became a lot more distant because he wasn't able to connect with her anymore.

He wants to be seen as mature and acts like an older brother to the other kids.

Sam only kills abusers and overall bad people, he had gotten it from Sadie and Roadwalker.
Though his perception of who's bad and good is a bit skewed.

His head constantly bleeds and aches, because of his injuries, it caused permanent brain damage.

He and Lacy Morgan like to compete with each other over how high they can float.

After Sally's death, her parents started looking after Sam more and even moved him into her old room.
They often compared him to Sally and liked having him around, giving him toys Sally would like instead of him, clung to him to the point he didn't feel like his own person anymore.

Sam is obsessed with Batman. He owned all the action figures, all the comic books, all the movies, etc. He knows the names of most of the characters.

Sam never hated John, even when he killed Sam, because he doesn't remember his death and only started to dislike him decades later when Sally told him, he was in such denial until he noticed how upset it made her.

His powers are floating, teleportation, intangibility and lifting small objects.

He was molested and groomed by John throughout his childhood, taking him to strip clubs to get him used to the environment and to test his limits and what he can get away with.
Dam told never told anyone, even now because he sees it as normal.
When John wasn't doing it as often Sam felt unloved and like he did something wrong.
Sam was very skinny because he wasn't getting enough food, John would withhold food if he was misbehaving, it could be for breaking an expensive object or as small as sleeping in too long.

His neighbours called the cops on them, Sam told them the truth but nothing happened about the sexual abuse. Sam was taken away at the age of 10 and went into an orphanage.
He was there for 1 month before going to Sally's parents, but by then John moved into theirs, so while officially they adopted him, John was still looking after him.
He hated nearly everyone in the situation, the police, the neighbour and the CPS, Sam was terrified because he was taught that the orphanage are a lot worse and he'd be locked in cages starving to death.

He loves reading, he mostly read comics or graphic novels, he finds it easier to understand what's happening instead of all the words.

Sam considers Roadwalker and Sadie as older sisters.

He wasn't able to see Sally as often, because John would rarely let him socialise with others.

He was homeschooled for most of his life, he started school when Sally's parents had him and John decided to let him stay in school.

Sam and Sally teamed up to kill John, because he never went to jail and they wanted some form of justice, they killed him by a heart attack.

He loves finding all the newer technology, he doesn't know how it works but he has a whole collection.

He has attachment issues and can be clingy to the people he cares about.

He spends a lot of his time outside, because he was rarely allowed out.
He loves watching the animals and people doing mundane things, just living out their life.
Sam likes making up stories for them.

Sam feels absolutely horrible for Sally, he hates seeing her as a husk of her further self and somewhat blames himself.
He tries to convince her to come with him to Sadie and Roadwalkers place, but it usually resulted in a argument, until the house she resided in got destroyed, that's when he dragged her with him and introduced her.

He loves animals, his favourites are birds and wolfs, he always wanted a pet bird.

He started journaling when he met Sadie.

Sam is a very outgoing and social person who gets along with all the other kids being looked after, the one he gets along the least with is Milo, they're more acquaintances because Milo wasn't interested.

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