The next generation

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Warnings: physical and emotional abuse, death, trauma

Sam Woods
Parents: Jeff (dad) and Bailey (mum)
Species: human
Age: 14
Sexuality: bisexual, she/her
The 3 D's: bipolar, ADD

She was an accident child, a one night stand baby, and Jeff never knew of her existence.

Bailey did a dna test and after finding out he was now a wanted criminal, pretended he never existed and hoped she wouldn't ask about him.
Sam never asked and wasn't curious enough to ask, she's very close to Bailey.
Sam sees her more like a friend than a mum, they hang out all the time.

Bailey wanted the name Sam because she thought Sammy was a cute nickname.

Sam's favourite artists are Lady Gaga and Taylor Swift.

She loves softball, she tries to convince Bailey to play all the time and plays after school.

Her stims are jumping and flicking.
Sam's hyper-fixation are sharks.

She wears a lot of casual clothing.

She always has her hair short and hates having it long, she finds it hard to maintain otherwise.

Sam loves the rain and finds it very calming, when she loves to play in the rain and puddles.

She used to bring handfuls of bugs into the house and tried to make them her pets.

Sam was diagnosed with bipolar at 12.

Eventually it got out that they were Jeff's family and were constantly harassed by the public.
She starts living with Liu in around the same year because Bailey thought she was safer there.

It took her a few months to adjust to everything.
She tried to understand Bailey's reasoning, but felt betrayed and lonely, she never had as close a relationship with Liu like Bailey.

She's fluent in English and has an American accent.

Kadanna Meyer
"Parents": Jason toymaker (creator)
Species: wax doll
Age: 15
Sexuality: aroace repulsed, she/it's,
The 3 D's: none

She was made by Jason and was made to give him company, after so many kids betrayed him, he decided to craft his own, one that cares about him and doesn't take anything for granted.

It was made out of beeswax specifically for its durability and to protect her against heat.

She hates moths and butterflies, Kadanna hates insects in general, but the hatred and fear for moths and butterflies runs deep, the ones with eye patterns are worst.

She was created to look similar to Amelia, but he also wanted it to look like she could be his daughter, so it looks like a combination of Amelia and himself.

She's very polite and calm, kadanna knows not to be noisy or make messes.

She doesn't ask for much, but gets lots of toys and gifts anyway, she's very thankful to Jason.

She is very emotionally dependent on Jason, she doesn't like being too away from him, he's happy, she's over the moon, he's sad her world comes crashing down.

Kadanna loves watching him create things, she used to consider any new creation as family, and was horrified when he destroyed them, though Jason made sure it knew that the useless trinkets he was making were just that.
She does get pretty jealous when he makes a big, detailed project, though.
He gave her a small wooden doll because she was still attached to it.

Kadanna is a confident and shallow person.

She loves magicians, she finds them very talented and intriguing, Kadanna sometimes tries to replicate the tricks.

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