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Warnings: death, implied sexual abuse, depiction of trauma

Sally was very close with John, they always hanged out and went all out for special events, on her 12th birthday, she was getting worried he forgot, but they went on a trip together in the afternoon, they went to a few different places sally liked before admiring the sunset.
John started making her uncomfortable and raped her, they were going to walk back to the car, but each step made John more antsy, he didn't want her telling anyone and started hitting her to the ground.
Sally attacked and ran as fast as she could, screaming til her throat was raw, trying to get anyone to hear.

She was buried back at the spot and came back hours later.

Sally loved staying up as long as possible to see how long she can do it whilst not getting caught.
It was more fun when Sam joined in.

She changed her last name from Williams to Dawn to try and leave her old life behind. She won't answer to Williams and doesn't consider Sam her cousin anymore, just a close friend.

At first Sally didn't realise she was dead.
After her death she was wandering for hours trying to remember where her house is, it's where she also found out she died by phasing through her mum.
She was yelling at her, trying to understand and get her mum to say anything to her.

After what happened to her, shes very emotionally unpredictable, she makes friends with the kids that move into her house, but usually doesn't last long because of something small that will send her wailing and throwing things.
She's not hopeful or optimistic at all, She doesn't intentionally kill people, she accidentally killed 2 adults while having a meltdown, not know her strength.
she rarely does anything when kids aren't there, She mostly sat in her room, staring deadpanned at her new dolls or at the floor, a sad, empty, glazed over look in her eyes. She didn't think she'd ever recover. She rarely socialises not wanting to leave her comfort zone, only Ben and occasionally Sam. They are the only few calm people who won't always set her off. Because of this, a lot of the others don't even know about her, the ones that do has only seen glimpses of her and any knowledge of her comes from Sam or Ben.

She hates being touched and, if someone were to touch her, she'll recoil in disgust and they'll send her into a PTSD attack that'll take hours to calm down from.
All the girl wants to do is be at peace, she despises being a ghost. She sometimes wishes she could die again, just to rest. She's genuinely devoid of all hope for the world. Her body aches constantly despite being so young, and the blood never stops dripping from her head. Sometimes, she hangs her head against the walls. She sees it as a constant reminder of what happened to her. She's truly only the shell of the happy little girl she used to be.

Sam used to trigger her because of how similar he looked to John.

Sam would always try to help her by encouraging her to go with him to Sadie's and roadwalker's, but she always refused and it'd cause a massive argument.
She only went because the house was eventually destroyed and Sam dragged her out.
Sally didn't like Sadie and Roadwalker, she found them weird and annoying

Now she just roams with Ben.

Her default response to anything that even mildly upsets her is to start crying and screaming as loudly as possible. She's had trouble controlling her emotions ever since her death.

She's very jealous of her friends and family, she finds comfort in that they'll die too and reunite.

Has a love hate relationship with new technology, she struggles to learn how to use it, but really wants to talk about it with Ben and have fun with it.

She has her own episode on a few old true crime channels.

She doesn't have many friends, because she doesn't like having friends that are alive, and a lot of the dead kids and Sally don't click because of how out of touch she is.
She's friends with Ben, Lily, and iris because she reminds her of one of her old friends.
They're one of the few things that make her happy.

Sally loves to draw, she has a very cartoonish, simple art style.

Sally still has mr D, She always talks to him as if he's alive.
She brings him everywhere with her and never leaves his side.
Mr. D is one of the few things she has left to remember her parents by so she is very attached to him. She doesn't feel safe without her bear and she won't let others touch him.
She's learnt to sew just so she can fix him.
She loves decorating Mr D with her little doll hats.

She really hates current music, so she just sticks to what she's used to.

Other the years she's had a few pets, she's stopped getting them though because she'd become attached and when they inevitably die, she becomes heartbroken.
She had two rabbits, Billy and Snowflake, one dog, Spots, and one cat, Kat.

Her powers are floating, super strength, intangibility, going into dreams and possession.

She keeps an old scrapbook she had when she was alive hidden in a backpack she keeps with her that's filled with pictures of her and her parents. She misses them a lot and keeps waiting for the day they come back.

She loved watching Tom and Jerry, she still watches it sometimes to reminisce.

She has a hyper and bubbly personality around her friends.

Her body was thrown into a near by river to dispose of the body. It took 3 months for someone to find her body, a dog and his owner found it while going on a walk.

She likes playing dolls with Lilly while Milla plays with Mr D nearby.

She was raised to believe in God but after everything she's been through can't, but still believes in some sort of afterlife that her friends and family can live happily in.

She's absolutely terrified of Laughing Jack, Jill and Eyeless Jack, she finds them really creepy and freakishly tall.

She knows a lot of useless things because of all the years she's been dead, she learned a lot, especially hanging around Ben.

She smells like nature.

Sally really likes current outfits, she'll steal a lot of kids clothes and wear them until it's completely worn out.

Sally used to hate lightning and thunderstorms, though she has gotten used to them.
Still hates the dark, though and needs a nightlight.

She's gotten into books, she likes fantasy books with pictures.

Her favourite drink is Pepsi cola and she really likes spaghetti.

She loved getting fake tattoos and licking them off.

Sally loved baking with her parents.

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