Cata the killer

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Warnings: death, hallucinations and gore

Cata was one of the people watching Jeff's killing videos and the one to harass Victoria online, sending gore, death threats and doxxing.

She became a killer after the news broke out that Jeff died.
She wants to finish what he started, she has a similar killing pattern and method.
She was devastated when he died and was one of the few who made a funeral for him, to them it was like a beloved celebrity was lost.

Cata wasn't able to kill her family as planned, because they were separated since she was 7 and lived in different houses, but killed her mum when staying there for the week.

She's always struggled with recognising people as humans, behind the screen she had the anonymity, she would never see the person in real life, and when killing she just sees them as meat, never caring about the consequences or who she affects.

What she did notice was all the attention she got, she drip fed the kills, posting mostly photos of the same kills and than videos because she didn't want them to have it all and get tired of it.

She isn't that strong and her ego can get the best of her, she often gets in a struggle and badly injured.

She is fluent in English, Lithuanian and polish.
She learned English while watching movies.

One of her goals is to kill Nina, she's never liked her to begin with, she rubbed Cata the wrong way and was jealous they posted similar content but Nina had the bigger following.

She nearly bled out from her cut smile because she went a lot deeper, her mum heard Cata and when she went to check on her that's when Cata killed her.
She eventually sews it up to keep it forever, she didn't know she had to remove them and has very noticeable scarring.
When she kills she eventually has a spiky mask that has a stitched smile when she kills.

She was never popular in school, not bullied either, most just ignored her.

She had a morbid obsession with true crime, her first introduction to it was a forum discussing a young girl named Sally Williams who was raped and killed by her uncle.
trying to solve the mystery before it revealed who did it, when a new case pops up, she goes on tumblr and gives all her theories.
She'd skip classes to smoke and webcam with people online under the stairs.
Soon her time was dedicated to researching a new killer, he had taken the life of a young woman, she assumed it was his type, she became obsessed with his one true love, his exception, Cata could pull him from the darkness, and he could save her.

Cata liked going to abandoned places, taking pictures and looking for ghosts.
She saw Anna Shurks once and took a photo, she posted it but not many believed her because of the low quality.
She kept going back to see her more.

She had 2 rats named Ricky and Remy.

She has schizoaffective, but never knew, growing up she didn't trust her parents because she thought they were from a different world and she wasn't their child, she'd test them by asking her birthday, age, anything to somewhat ease her mind but sometimes she didn't believe them.
She would hear 2 people having a conversation and her mind would twist it into a discussion where they were mocking her.

She would connect 2 unrelated events and assume there was a conspiracy, she couldn't tell the difference between reality and delusions,and has no concept of danger because none of it is real.

Her favourite artists are Katy Perry and P!nk.

She's big into red rooms on the dark web.

She really likes piercings, she has a belly piercing, lobes, septum and eyebrow piercing.

She always did her nails, she hated the feeling of acrylic and nail glue, so she grew all her nails naturally.

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