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Warnings: suicide

Since he feeds on negative energy he often purposefully instigates fights between his victims, he was around Toby a lot because he didn't need to do as much to get easy energy; Puppeteer also found him fascinating, the way he thought of Slenderman and went about his life because of it.
He missed him when he was gone and even considered bringing him back to life, but didn't when Emra didn't want him to.

Even though he has the same powers and weaknesses as ghosts and straight up is the spirit of a dead person he doesn't know what he is for sure. Because of how different he is to the average ghost he's come across.

His powers include, Reality Warping, Flight, Intangibility, Invisibility, Thermokinesis, Possession and Ectoplasm Creation.
His powers are weakened by sunlight so he rarely goes out during the day, if he does he stays in the shade or brings a parasol.

He's weary around cats because they like to play with his string Emra used to look after the strays but had to stop because of it. It's a little hard for him to be taken seriously when he's spending 10 minutes trying to untangle an orange tabby from his strings.

He's just as depressed as the people he targets but he bottles up his feelings so he doesn't show any signs of weakness. The Puppeteer never wants to appear vulnerable and always wants to seem like he's in control of the situation.

Puppeteer tries to block out his old memories of the past as it brings back bad memories.

The Puppeteer cries and bleeds a golden colored ectoplasm that will turn black over time. This ectoplasm stains anything it touches, hence the tear stains down his face. There's virtually no way to get it out.

Once reborn into the afterlife, The Puppeteer made himself into what he deemed as his perfect self. A smoother face, longer hair, and a better built body. This choice was made solely for the reason of attracting more humans, like an angler fish would lure other fish with their brightly colored lights.

Since The Puppeteer started his murderous spree, he felt a change in his body as various parts of his started to slowly generate into a pair of wooden ones. The puppet parts that had replaced his own are a sign that the puppeteer is slowly becoming what he creates.
Because of his wooden arms he can now touch material things and living things.

The Puppeteer can not teleport. He's a wanderer, when he needs to go anywhere he will walk or float to his destination. He's able to morph through solid objects, but this takes him a lot of energy and effort, so he doesn't find himself to do it more than necessary.

His strings are very hard to break, but if one were to he'd be in the same amount as if he lost a limb.

Johnathon and Emra would spend countless hours in the Photo Booth down by the local mall, saving them all and decorate their belongings with the photos taken, Jonathan kept his favourite one in has wallet so he'd be able to see it at all times, and still has some to this day.

Due to his ghostly form, the Puppeteer is extremely vulnerable to any kind of paranormal resistance. In theory, he could easily be trapped or completely erased if a successful exorcism were to occur.
He is very wary of people like Jane for this reason and will not target anyone of that nature.

He still loves playing guitar and is teaching Judge Angel.
Though he is rusty from not being able to play before his puppet arms.

Puppeteer is narcissistic and entitled, he often makes Emra and Zachary do all the hard work.

His favorite artists are Nirvana, Soundgarden, and R.E.M.

He used marijuana fairly frequently, he used it to help calm his anxiety, and as his mental state became worse he used more.

Puppeteer loves Emra with his entire heart but he's at most times unable to confess his true feelings for her. When he first met Emra after his death, he was so frustrated with old memories and emotions, he couldn't stop himself in a fit of rage and he killed her, choking her to death.
But when he felt calm and collected again, he was faced with the realization that he had killed his last known remaining connection to earth. In a state of panic, he gave her the little life he could at the time and turned her into a living puppet.

Puppeteer is very protective to the ghost children, he can only imagine what they've been through and wishes to make their new life as safe as possible even if they can protect themselves.

He's very patient with his killings and can stalk them for months to years if he has too as it's how he obtains his energy and is very efficient at it after doing it for many years.

He tends to be jealous of Bloody Painter and Judge Angel, because he wants that with Emra.

Puppeteer priorities people that most won't care if they died and will not kill kids.

Bloody Painter and him were acquaintances during high school, but he lost contact after moving and going to university.
The two reconnected after Bloody painter heard about him, but Puppeteer doesn't remember him after so many years.

He hates the taste of pizza because of how much he ate it when he was a pizza delivery worker.

His eyes change colour depending on how angry or weakened he is.

Puppeteer loves dogs, he used to volunteer at a dog shelter.

Most of the odd "puppets" he makes sit around half finished and covered in cobwebs in his workshop, he often loses motivation to finish them.

Deep down he wants to be friends with Sadie but she wants nothing to do with him and becomes very hostile towards him and can't comprehend why.

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