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Warning: physical, emotional abuse, death

Lyra was brought back as a ghost in a private funeral, she had a closed coffin because they couldn't look at her and her mangled body.

her jaw broke in the accident and struggles to talk properly.

Being the older sister she had help around the house a lot more, she was basically Toby's second mum and had to do a lot of the chores, split the bills and had to get a job a lot sooner.
She worked at a local petrol station.
She very rarely had money for herself.

They were running away, which is why they were in the car to begin with, they were in the rain and she swerved and was t-boned by another car.

Lyra loves punk music, all the yelling brought her comfort during all the bad times and makes her nostalgic of those good times.
Her favourite artist is Bowling for Soup.

She's fluent in English and German, she has a very slight German accent.

She did a CNA program and encountered Tim, where she had gotten slender sickness from and spread it to her family.
During it she got very sick and was bedridden for awhile.

She was planning to run away with Toby for a few years, she would occasionally put money aside from her pay checks, she managed to save up 500 dollars before dying.
Lyra would hide the money, but had to keep finding new spots because Frank kept stealing some.
He'd always yell at her for it, calling Lyra selfish and not looking after the family.

She's a very kind, cautious person, but can be timid around certain people.

She has anger issues but tries to keep calm, each time she ends up yelling, even at the tv playing a game, she'll end up apologising.

Lyra always tried protecting her family, she'd get most of the abuse because of it, or frank could just be in a bad mood.
Her education, appearance, everything was monitored.
Starvation, isolation, mock executions and constant fear for her life were the normal for her, anything to her in her place and make her lose hope of anything better.

She was the one to convince Connie to let Toby have a phone and social media.

She was with Toby a lot because Connie didn't trust him enough, but Lyra knew he liked being independent, so she was nearby, but let him do his thing.

Lyra used to be somewhat buff, but she stopped working out after getting insecure about her muscles from Frank and coworkers.
They considered it to manly, that she looked violent and ugly, no man would want that.

As soon as she turned 16, she had gotten her license as soon as possible and would drive around a lot, this was one of her only escapes from life and she loved driving in general, not having to rely on someone.

Her room was always nice and tidy, and she'd always wake up at 5 am on the dot, this is something she continued even through death.

She rarely kills, her being a ghost, she's very powerful, increased strength, possession, flight, intangibility and telekinesis, though it doesn't do much for her.
Instead she tries helping people from incoming danger, warning them via dreams.
The only time she kills is when she sees someone being abusive, she doesn't mean to, but cant help and think of Frank.

Lyra still has faint effects of slender sickness but doesn't lose track of time.

A lot of her bones broke during the accident, she floats everywhere to ease the pain.

When she came back to life, she was devastated to find her house burned to the ground.
Lyra assumed the worst happened to her family and went wandering aimlessly, not really knowing what to do.

Lyra currently lives with Deborah in a 4 bedroom house.
She met Deborah in the nearby forest at her old house.

She temporarily reconnected with Toby and met Clockwork, at first he assumed she was a hallucination, but knew it was something more when Lyra wasn't acting like any usual one.
They caught up and hanged out a lot during the beginning, it got less and less frequent, she couldn't find him sometimes but let him do his thing.

She didn't know how to process it when he died, it dawned on her that her whole family was dead and Lyra felt alone all over again, she stayed in her room for a good while.
She made a fake grave for him.

She made friends with Clockwork and became even closer after his death.

lyra would practically run home from school everyday, as fast as a 12 year old girl with a full backpack could manage, just because she spent all 7 hours in school worrying about her family at home.

Lyra cared about Connie a lot, and never blamed her for staying with Frank even if she never truly understood why.

Lyra hates loud noises and cars.

Lyra was always popular during school, she knew a lot of people but didn't want to be friends with them and just wanted to mostly keep to herself.
She only had one actual friend and that was Liu.

Lyra looked a lot like Frank, and she was insecure about it.
One thing she liked about frank managing her appearance is that she looked a lot less like him afterwards.

As Lyra got older she would come home really late a lot, she wasn't worried about Frank because he was always blackout drunk by the time she was home.

Her grades were never that good, she'd just barely get C's and B's.
She tried really hard, but couldn't understand the material or kept sleeping in class.

Lyra had gotten into cigarettes, she refused to get into anything else and smoking was just a stress reliever.

Lyra had a matching necklace with Liu with their initials engraved.

Whenever Toby was kicked out, Lyra stormed out of the house and joined him.

She had a tattoo of a heart on her collarbone, she put it in a spot where it wasn't noticeable until she's in a safe position.

She was studying to be a nurse, she was always a caring person and wanted to help more people.
Lyra desperately wanted to afford to live on campus so she could finally be herself and not fear being hurt.

Lyra is extremely tough. She doesn't like showing her vulnerable side because she fears being taken advantage of, and she hates crying in front of other people.

Lyra wrote in a journal she took everywhere with her, so no one could read it.
Sometimes she'd get distracted and do small doodles in the corners.

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