
10 1 0

Warnings: emotional abuse, physical abuse, death.

Alice had a ghost following her everywhere since she was a child, everyone assumed it was an imaginary friend, Alice named them Zero, they helped with the loss of her parents.
She was in foster care at 5 and fostered at 7 and adopted by 10.

Zero in trying to help was a bad influence.

Alice has a bad leg from the car accident and uses a cane when the pain gets too bad.
She decorated it to fit her style.

Before being adopted the other fosters were a mix bag but she loved the last one which is where she met Ann.
She wanted them to adopt her but wasn't deemed suitable and eventually got adopted by Henry.

As she got older she used manual labour to cope and get out of the house, after school people would come to her to build or fix their sheds, gardens porches, ect.
Alice always got paid for her work and was saving up to move out and live with Ann.

Alice had to buy all her own things, Henry made it clear that he will do the least he has to because he isn't her dad.

She bought dumbbells and other small cheap gym gear to fit into her room.

Her schizophrenia made it very difficult for her to socialise in school and most people eventually started avoiding her.
Her delusions get worse when she's stressed, Alice often skipped classes when tests were coming and left home if Henry was in a mood.
The isolation and reactions of people made her believe in them more, constantly in a state of high alert because of everything she was afraid of.
They consisted mostly of people trying to harm or humiliate her, that person in the car is going to go onto the footpath and run her over, the person picking up the groceries she dropped is going to rob her or her neighbour hired them to test how she'll react and that neighbour is working for the fbi.
Sometimes she'll hallucinate Henry screaming at her, yelling all these threats, slowly becoming distorted, getting violent and occasionally he'd actually come to the door and scare her half to death, she couldn't see him the same afterwards.

Alice would occasionally space out and could be in a completely different place because of Zero and she would have no idea why she's losing track of time.
Zero possesses

After a particularly bad episode with Henry, Alice barricaded herself in her bedroom.
Zero was tired of it and wanted to help her get rid of Henry, supplying her with the engineer hammer.

Alice went to juvie for prison for 2 years, she got a light sentence because she was deemed mentally unstable.
In those years she was treated like the worst person on earth, being amongst the worst offenders didn't help her health and at times had to fight to stand her ground.

After leaving prison she came out worse and found it difficult to adjust properly.

Alice worked with a construction company for a few years.
In 2018 she got fired for her behaviour and constantly getting into arguments with the other workers.

Zero takes control more often, and continues to kill without Alice or Ann knowing, they kill people who they believe deserve it, people who mistreat Alice, or whenever they're in a bad mood.

They used to take souvenirs until Alice kept freaking out and getting rid of them.
She assumed someone was after them.

Their weapon is an engineer hammer, Alice originally used it to build things.

She was born colour blind, she can only see shades of grey.

In 1999, Zero died in the same foster home as Alice, because of the workers neglect, they became a very angry and lonely ghost and protected the children in the foster home until Alice came and Zero accidentally possessed her, Alice being the only one seeing them made them want to go with her.

They write a 0 in blood as their symbol.
That's also how they had gotten their public alias.

Alice learned how to cut her and style her hair on her own.

She used to number her clothes to know what goes well with what, but once the tags fell off she never bothered to put them back.

Ann gave her a black and white scarf, she wears it a lot during winter.

She's always been a fan of Harry Potter books.

Zero doesn't kill as much if the police are about to catch on, out of fear for Alice.
But Zero won't stop for a good while, unless it would be too dangerous.

Jane Richardson gives them extreme anxiety and stays far away when she's on the hunt.

They make their kills very quick and tries to make it as clean as they can, when first starting out they were very messy and took their time.
This helped with their anger but took a long time to clean and made them more mad.

She's alway been a very curious, loud, hyper person and got in trouble a lot by Henry, now she can do whatever she wants.

Alice is friends with Zero and Ann, Zero is friends with Asylum Nancy.

Alice tries to be very athletic.

Her favourite artists are seekae and Daft Punk.

Alice likes to sketch, she usually does environments and occasionally animals.

Alice is in therapy and has been since she got out of prison, she had gotten diagnosed with schizophrenia and takes medication.

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