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Trigger warning: mentions of self harm physical and psychological abuse, death and suicide.

The gash on his cheek ended up healing, though it wasn't looked after properly once he ran away and took a long time for it to heal, now he has a big noticeable scar. He had gotten it from the car crash.

When Frank got angry, he'd beat Toby the least because he couldn't feel it, he'd instead make Toby watch him beat Lyra instead.
Toby was made to endure many other forms of psychological torment, including, sleep deprivation, forced isolation, starvation , and degradation. Lyra, Toby, and his mother all had to endure these things under his father's control, all of them too scared to act out and defend themselves. The three of them were trying to be a tight-knit bunch, helping each other to try and cope and take care of themselves, even if it meant taking a punishment for helping another.

He has no limit, he kills anything and everyone, it relieves himself and makes his life more interesting, though he hesitates killing blonde girls because they remind him of someone, but he can never figure out who.

Because he's been effected by the slender sickness since was a kid, he has big chunks of his memory, he barely remembers Lyra, just that he knew a blond girl.
Him and everyone around him, thought he had schizophrenia because he kept seeing disturbing things.
He gets coughing fits with blood and becomes very paranoid.

theres not a single soul on earth that toby trusts enough to fully rely on, in his mind all he has is himself now. especially after everything with his sister.

He loved being a Proxy at first, because it was something new, something he thought would always be refreshing and no one was going to mess with him anymore. It wasn't. Toby was still being picked on, underestimated and made out to be small.
Toby also became bored rather quickly after one year of it, it quickly turned into a boring routine.

He was a pretty heavy smoker, it was one of his coping mechanisms for his anxiety, along with chewing or picking at his fingers.
He assumes this is why he has such an intense cough.

He would project what he saw at home onto other kids when he was in middle school, this would cause a lot of fights and Lyra would always come to the rescue, until realising what he was doing and taught him what Frank is doing isn't okay, after awhile he stopped.

He never did high school and was home schooled throughout middle school because of all the bullying and harassment.
He'd get teased in class, bashed at lunch and followed home, he couldn't take it anymore and refused to go back so Connie and Frank took him out.

He's decent at cutting hair because of all the times he had to cut it at home, sometimes even Lyra's, but it sometimes looks sloppy because of his Tourette's.

Toby's motor tics are blinking repeatedly, jerking his head or cracking his neck and hitting his chest.
His vocal tics are him repeating words he heard or stuck in his head, he doesn't do vocal tics often.
Whenever he goes out to kill someone he'd suppress them as best he can.
His tics calmed down after he was in his 20s, it only happens after a breakdown or if he's feeling too much of an emotion.
Because of all his constant knuckle cracking he occasionally drops his hatchet.

He's always liked fire, because he can't feel it, he just sees pretty flames on his finger.

Toby has a big fear of cars and gets uneasy with people drinking.

Toby was a shut in, he barely left his room because he felt more safe in there.
He's horrible at socialising because he never had any friends and was homeschooled, and doesn't know how to act.
Toby finds all the noise irritating and socialising just causes him to stress out and it becomes a cycle that causes him to stutter and than he's starting to think their judging him and than he's angry. Usually he's rude and makes subtle digs first to beat them.
Toby on most days, however, overall is very emotionally distant. He sits by himself, quiet and not speaking to anyone.

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