Eyeless Jack

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Warnings: cults, cannibalism, death

Jack was always a very lonely and socially awkward person, he felt like he never belonged, Jack never really knew who he was, only going to university for a medical degree because his parents suggested it. He stopped trying to gain friends since high school and always focused on the work and no one really cared, until university when Jenny confronted him after class.

Jack joined the cult under the notion that he'd find his purpose in life. He was in the cult for 6 months before being sacrificed.

He had a roommate halfway through the 1st semester, they didn't get along at all, their personalities were completely different and Jack would much rather be alone.
They rarely talked and they completely stopped talking when Greg was questioning Jenny's intentions.

He is completely blind and for years was just following the scent of food, until he stumbled upon Seedeater, who became a guide dog as it benefited the both of them, Jack gets to know where he's going and Seedeater gets more food.

Over time he became more and more animalistic and more aggressive.

He doesn't just eat kidneys, it eats the digestive organs and then moves onto flesh. It eats bones to sharpen his teeth.
When it is really hungry, Jack kills bigger animals to feed itself. Jack's body looks extremely malnourished and bony, since all it can eat is other beings.
Jack developed Kuru, this caused a lack of muscle coordination and control, slight difficulty walking, and a general lack of coordination in their movements,
tremors that tend to worsen as the disease progresses.

Jack used to keep his victims alive, but early own started killing more of them.

When alive he had a kid named Alice because of a one night stand, and they both agreed she'd be better off in foster care so they could focus on their studies.

His mouth can tear open all the way to its ears when he needs to eat.

The tar in his socket burns others, but sting's himself.

He rarely talks, because he's so reclusive Jack's voice has become very raspy and talks in whispers.

He can climb onto walls, it'll usually sleep during the day on a roof to hide away.

He uses a mask to try and resemble more human and approachable appearance. Jack never takes it off, unless he's eating.

Jack reeks of decay and death.

After becoming a demon, he was starved and couldn't control himself, Jack ate all of the cult members that were present.

He used to have a very good home life, supportive parents who even helped with paying for university.
He'd ring them up whenever he could.
After becoming a demon however he couldn't face them and never talked to them again. Now he barely remembers them or his past in general.
Jacks parents assumed he went missing and searched everywhere for him.

Jack has auditory hallucinations that include the cultists chanting, the priest reading in tongues, and his screaming as they poured tar in his eye.

Initially resided in the old hideout that belonged to the cult. He's since moved to a few different hidden locations.

Eyeless Jack can't digest human food anymore. He violently vomits and gags every time he takes even a bite of human food. The only solids he can safely digest are organs, which he craves like humans crave regular food. He is capable of drinking things normally though.

He claws at his skin a lot, this caused a lot of tears and scars.

Used to be a straight A student all the way up to university.

In the winter Jack hibernates in a shack bundled up in blankets deep in a forest. The tar in his eyes can end up frozen if he's not warm enough.

He likes jazz music.

Jack is a very cautious, lonely person who takes a while to trust.

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