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Warnings: starvation, physical abuse, death, and suicide.

Sadie was very close with her parents, but after her mums death, he became abusive; being stricken with grief and being very similar to her mother didn't help.
The more she was hurt the more strain was put on the relationship.
She killed herself after years of abuse, too afraid to tell anyone about what she's been through.

Her fresh cuts sting slightly, because of her throat injury she struggles to speak.
The socket and wounds all other her body constantly bleed black, it goes faster when she cries or gets mad, it makes a big mess and hurts more, she feels awful about it, she tries really hard to control her emotions because of it.
Sadie struggles to move her neck as well when she was alive.

Sadie is extremely protective of all the dead kids and children in general. She is mellow and very reserved most of the time but can get violent protecting them even if they can protect themselves.

She wants to help children so no one has to deal with what she had to go through, and she feels horrible she can't do much else

Sadie absolutely despises all of the kid killing creeps like Jason the Toymaker, Puppeteer, Laughing Jack and Jill, if she could kill them, she would.

Sadie and Roadwalker adopted a few of the dead children, these being Sam, Milo, Lucy, Iris and Lacy are all her adopted children. She spoils all of them rotten, she tries to make them happy and make them feel special.

Sadie has mixed feelings about the Puppeteer. The Puppeteer is super nice to the children, especially to Sally, but he also convinces people to kill themselves so that he can feed on their negative emotions, which Sadie hates.

Sadie likes to mentor the ghost children on how to use their abilities. She especially likes giving floating lessons to Lacy Morgan as she struggles the most.

Sadie goes to her mums grave when she has the time.

Sadie is a very clumsy person, she often floats to avoid stumbling.

Sadie is a strong ghost, but is only able to float a few feet off the ground and possess the body and minds of her victims.
She is a lot physically stronger, but it does very little for her.

Her favourite animals are elephants, Roadwalker gifted her a weighted elephant plushie for her birthday, she cherishes it a lot and even sleeps with it, it helps a lot with her anxiety.

Sadie is still very much affected by her father's abuse and her death.

Sadie is very skinny and malnourished, this is because her mental health was so bad she couldn't get out of bed a lot of the time.
She was in her room a lot, and could barely even get out of her pjs, she dressed in her mums dress, she wanted to feel pretty one last time but it was baggy and caused her to trip with the knife, getting her eye instead.

Her vision is very bad in that eye, but because of the constant blood and puss, she can't see at all through it.

She has very low self worth, though it has improved over time especially being in a better environment.

She never went to the police or told anyone about her dad, because she was terrified no one would believe her, as she often had no noticeable marks. Sadie also believed even if she managed to get justice, he'd get out eventually and she was to afraid to know what he'd do.

She refuses to touch alcohol because of her dad.

Sadie tries to be a tough person and hates feeling depressed especially around the kids as she doesn't want to set a bad example.

She absolutely loves flowers, her favourite are daisies and likes trying to make flower crowns.

She wanted to be a dancer when she was younger, but because of her clumsiness she wasn't that good and often fell. Eventually she lost motivation and stopped, now that she's a ghost she dances as long as she wants.

She has a British accent, when she stopped doing homeschooling she was bullied a lot for her accent and lack of social skills.

She feels gross in her own body, which is one of the reasons she self harmed.

She loves romance and horror movies.

Her favourite artists are Melanie Martinez and Mitski.

She is very easily overwhelmed, both by physical stimuli like loud cars or bright lights and by internal anxiety as well.

She doesn't like wearing shoes, she feels trapped in them and only wears socks unless she's leaving the house.

Sadie doesn't remember her birthday or what age she'd be. This is because she never really liked her birthday and eventually just forgot about it.

When alive she would bite her fingernails so often it'd end up bleeding, also habitually picks at the skin around her nails.

Her hair became very knotty and matted after not brushing it for weeks on end, before she died she tried to unknot it, but the more she brushed and the more hair fell out, her motivation was gone and just left it as is.
She used to pull at it when she was stressed out or mad.

She tries to be there for the kids, but doesn't like when they talk about their past, it makes her so mad that they had to deal with all of that.

She became acquaintances with Weeping Forest, and was going to become friends with Rotten Abigail, but after finding out she kills bullies, even kid ones, she couldn't. Sadie considers them just troubled kids and don't deserve to die.

Her favourite food is Caramello koalas.

She's fluent in sign language.

She lives with Roadwalker and her kids in a two story house.

She likes drinking tea, it calms her and when she was alive she drank it a lot in general, it became a big comfort drink.

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