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Warning: implied sexual abuse, trauma and death.

she was put into foster care at birth because her teen mum was struggling in rehab and wasn't seen fit, Vailly was adopted very quickly, her mum died of alcohol poisoning afterwards, because of how miserable she was and not being able to get her kid back.
She doesn't remember anything about her biological mum, only knowing the worse from her adoptive parents.
She would have liked to meet her when she was older.
She often felt like she wasn't enough for people, because she feels she wasn't enough for her mum.
Vaillys foster mums was extremely supportive and was always trying to make sure she's loved.

Growing up, Vailly had an identity crisis barely knowing anything about where she came from other than the language.

Vailly is always craving constant validation and finding herself worrying about being left behind.

She had a job at 14 as a dogsitter, she wanted to be dependent and being a dog lover Vailly chose to look after dogs.
She always wanted a dog so this was a good compromise.

Pus and blood from under her eye are constantly pouring from her empty eye socket, and the flow becomes faster when she cries.
She's self conscious about it, causing her constantly taking care of herself, and styling her hair so it covers the socket and checking how she looks.

Before her kidnapping, she was very outgoing and even a little naive, she had little to no awareness about strangers. But her incident changed everything. She now hates how she used to be, seeing her older self as stupid and gullible.
now she's a lot more cautious and skittish, she tries to come across a bit colder to new people to prevent befriending them.
She's still very extroverted and nice to the people she managed to befriend.

When she met people, they would either love her two different eye colours or thought she put in contacts, faking it for attention.

Vailly posted a lot on instagram, she had 2,000 followers. Her posts were things relating to her lifestyle and any cute photos get does.
She would get the attention from people online, she loved getting the few compliments and likes.
After her death her account grew after the news broke out and gained 10,000 followers.

After all the abuse from David during the months, she felt gross and her self esteem plummeted.
Despite how caring her mums are, she never told them about any of what David did, because she was afraid of their reaction.
Vailly started wearing long and baggy clothes to try and hide her body.
She was hesitant to ever actually call it abuse because he never laid a hand on her and she felt people had it worse so it'd be insulting to the people who actually were abused.

Vailly had gotten her heterochromia from her piebaldism.
Piebaldism also affected parts of her hair by turning strains of it white.

She can be very shy at first, but after getting more comfortable she can be more lively.

Vailly is a mum friend, she's always constantly looking after her friends.

Her iris glows and depending how dark it is the brighter it gets.
She is completely blind in her left socket, her depth perception is horrible and she finds it hard to navigate.

She switches between rock and pop music depending on the mood.

Vailly didn't die as soon as her eye was gauged out, she passed out from shock and awoke an hour later hysterical.
She tried getting out but was disoriented from losing her vision and kept crashing into things, David eventually found her and made sure she was actually dead.
She was buried a few hours later which is what caused her greyish skin.

Vailly was in complete denial at first, thinking it was some horrible dream, and ran to her mums in need of desperate comfort only for them to be terrified.
When the realisation hit, Vailly was hit with a lot of emotions, she was devastated, furious and helpless all at once, she went back to David's place and tormenting him relentlessly for months, constantly throwing things, cutting him, nightmares, paralysis, isolating him, non stop to the point he couldn't take it anymore.

Vailly is on and off, she'll torment people for months or even years but stop for awhile out of guilt and shame, temporarily realising what she's been doing, but also recognising that it has been helping her and evidently starts again.

She's fluent in English and Spanish.
She learned some French in her classes.

She is a very anxious person and gets overwhelmed easily.

She loves the rain, and watching the animals that come out when it does, it relaxes her during stressful times.

Vailly loves to roam around the area alone. She loves almost everything about it and feels that she can truly be herself outside.
Sometimes, she'd even spends the night out there.

She had big plans for her future, she wanted to travel and see the world and even maybe become a photographer.

Vailly often daydreams about the 'what ifs' of her life and where it could've gone if she wasn't so stupid to let herself be deceived by David.

She liked to read, her favourite genre was fantasy books, she loved getting lost in the world and imagining herself as the protagonist.

Vailly loves sweet lollies, whenever she was stressed out she'd chew on sweet watermelon flavoured gum.

She sometimes wonders what her mums are up to, or if they are even alive.
She tries not to think about it often, as it makes her more sad.

She can be very nerdy and passionate about the things she cares about.

She loves hello kitty and Pokémon, she had a big collection of merch, something she has started to redo on a much more small scale.
Her favourite Pokémon is Fenneken.

She has a grey, stray cat she named Oreo, She co-parents with Sully, she constantly smothers her and steals things from the victims for Oreo.

Her powers are floating, phasing through solid objects, her teeth can get sharper, possession, invisibility and can make big objects float.
Her powers get even stronger depending on her emotions.

She doesn't act like her age at all, she rarely did and often feeling like she had to act older for her parents and because she's been dead for so long, it's like a coping mechanism, though she often fails and has a poor understanding of what adulthood means.

Vailly doesn't like horror movies or books simply because a lot of the tropes unsettle her, and every time she physically can't get herself to continue watching. Vailly gets too stressed out to watch horror movies because she feels like she knows the tropes too well first hand, and because she sees herself in the character and starts hating the protagonist for doing stupid things.
She however keeps putting them on because she refuses to fully accept her trauma, because she feels like that'd let him ruin her life and win.

She died on her birthday, she hates celebrating it and hasn't told anyone the date.

She's fluent in ASL, she uses it to talk with one of her old friends.

Vailly gets flashbacks occasionally, someone looking like David, to people yelling at her or grabbing her to harshly can set her off, than she starts shaking, crying and it's like she's right there again experiencing the emotional turmoil again.

She had a lot of friends in high school, though usually only hanged with her two close friends.

When Vailly died, people around school had started spreading negative rumors around her and David, teachers shut that down quickly but it still soured Vailly's representation that she had worked so hard to build up.

Vailly can unhinge her jaw to an extent.

She used to have a very bright, usually tight-fitting style, eventually swapping it for a more baggy, slightly more darker style.

She's scared of loud noises, simply because she can't see that well and won't be able to tell where it's coming from or what it is.

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