Hannah the Killer

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Warnings: alcohol abuse, death, trauma.

Hannah was invited to the party, after the fire started very quickly overwhelming everything she tried escaping only to be trapped.
She was in the hospital for 10 months, she is heavily scarred and uses a mask to hide her face.
She takes great care of her scars to prevent further harm.

Before she killed out of pure anger, but after a while it turned into a need for justice, and an attempt to help those that wouldn't be helped otherwise.
She kills known killers that the police haven't caught yet to bring closure she never got.
She was a contract killer for a while to get some cash as she wasn't able to get a normal job and had no confidence in her abilities to make something.

She killed her mum out of pure anger, her main target was Jeff.

Hannah did gruelling, boring, military training for 1 year to gain the necessary survival skills and self defence training.
During her time people either avoided her, giving her looks, or bullied her constantly for her looks.

She's very versatile in what weapons she can use but prefers knifes or other close combat weapons as it's more quiet.

She tries to keep fit and active in case something doesn't go planned.

Shes arrogant and narcissistic, she never had many friends because they couldn't stand her and she couldn't either, much preferring to be by herself.
She met Victoria when her hand was stuck in a vending machine and Hannah got her unstuck, Victoria offered to buy her something and ended up exchanging numbers.

Hannah was into woodwork and did some building around the house or for friends.

She was civil with Jeff, though they weren't anywhere near as close to each other as Victoria was.

Because of her heavy scarring she's unable to move as well as she could before, certain facial expressions and arm movements are more stiff.

Hannah never did well in school, she tried for a while but was struggling to get passing grades, her mum was always putting pressure on her and eventually stopped trying.

She's fluent in German and English.

She couldn't stand Randy and his friends, often getting into verbal and on occasion physical fights.

She still dyes parts of her hair purple, she's experimented with different shades of purple and even did red a few times.

Her fashion style has changed drastically over the years and switches between them occasionally.

Her favourite artist is Katy Perry and Cryoshock.

She really likes anime, her favourite being one piece and Tokyo Goul.
She preferred English dub and tried collecting all the manga for both.

She is currently living with Vicky, Jane, and Andie, before that she was dependent on Liu which she did not like.

Hannah never met her dad, he walked out on them before she was born.
She was curious what he was like, if they were similar at all, but didn't want to bring him up in front of her mum.

Shes more of a dog person but co parents a black cat named bingus with Vicky.
She dresses him up in winter and gets him the expensive food.
She has her own pet, a golden retriever.

She watches over Vicky's kids when she's busy.

She never really looked after her hair, always dead ends or damaged from the dye and mistreatment.
After the fire her hair would fall out in chunks, which is when she at least attempted to look after it.

When Jeff died, she thought she'd be the one to do it, to bring closure to herself and all the other people he's hurt, and finally be happy, but she wasn't, not as much as she thought she would.
Hannah still felt angry and empty inside, she wasn't sure what to do with herself for a while, she brought back woodworking to try and figure herself out.

After becoming a killer, she became addicted to cigarettes, she sometimes switches between vapes because she prefers the fruity smells.

She usually drinks strong alcohol, typically cocktails and wine, it makes her feel better about her life, though feels horrible again when sober.

It took Hannah 5 years to meet up with Vicky and soon Jane, she started getting a lead when Vicky was released from prison, which is also how she was got in contact with Liu.

She's friends with Vicky, Jane everlasting, Andie and Jane the killer.
They became friends when she was getting military training, she was the first to acknowledge Jane, and became close quickly.
She tolerates Andie, they were bickering for a while before.

She has a tattoo of the one piece logo on her leg, a small hello kitty on her arm, and skulls on a branch on her back.

Hannah hates fire that isn't a small manageable one, she had a lot of nightmares about the house fire, everyone in the house usually dies, melting to nothing but bone.
Her nightmares have gotten less frequent since but still feel very real.

She had really bad anger problems, because she was always frustrated in her life and often took it out on others.
During the military she had to handle her anger otherwise she'd get yelled at.

She likes playing the sims 2 and 4.

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