Jane the killer

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Warnings: death

Jane is a paranormal investigator, she has currently killed weak ghosts, Laughing Jack, and other demons, but her main goal is Slenderman.
She has a lot of idea's about the forests connection and Slenderman but doesn't actually know of what it is.
Mary used to work with her, until they had Alex.

She adopted Smile dog and uses him to track supernatural creatures.

Currently, she lives with Jessie, Mary and Alex.

Jane knows a few different types of martial arts, like karate, taekwondo and boxing.

She's originally American, however she travels quite a bit and has a few other citizenships, including France, Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Switzerland, Chile, and Tuvalu. She plans on travelling the entire world.

She's fluent in English, French and Swedish.

She's satanic.

Jane is a workaholic and she always has been, it was even effecting her marriage and other relationships, so she's started cutting back on the hours for the sake of her family.

Jane used to be in the military, she enlisted after her parents died as a coping mechanism but got disqualified for being to unstable.

When she's not working she's either in their own gym or goes out with Mary and Jesse.

She loves red wine, she only really drinks when she's stressed.

In school she was very studious, always trying to get good grades to get into a good university.
She was originally going to become a teacher, but took a break of university after her death of her parents and then became an investigator after all the cases.

Jane was popular in school, she'd get along with basically everyone because of how nice and flexible her personality was.

Even now jane is very renowned for her work because of her high standards.

Her favourite artists are Arctic Monkeys, Evanescence and Within Temptation.

Jane really likes to do makeup, she's the one that usually does Jesse and Mary's makeup.
Jane loves doing traditional goth makeup, and likes putting in different kinds of contacts.

She dyes her hair all sorts of different colours, but really likes black.

Jane has always loved psychology, she has a few books and reads them in her free time.
Mary knows a lot about it too because Jane always tells her about anything new she learned.

Jane and Jesse always visit their parent's grave every week.

When her parents died she became depressed and it was hard for her to juggle a job and looking after Jesse.
A lot of the time it was hard for her to get out of bed, the only reason she did was for work so she could afford rent.
Eventually she had to get extra shifts and another job just to afford rent and food.

Jane, along with Mary and Jessie, all play games, she owns an Xbox 360, Wii, and PlayStation 4. Her favorite games include the Hitman series, Wii sports, Left 4 Dead series, the Dead Rising trilogy, and Mortal Kombat 9.

She's addicted to smoking, she eventually switches to vaping because she and Alex hated the smell.

Jane is on a few different medications for her depression.

She has a tattoo of two butterflies on her spine to represent Mary and Jesse.

Jane is very protective of Jesse after the death of her parents.

She smells like really fancy and expensive perfume.

She's met Liu while on the job, though she finds Liu kind of odd and off putting, she's been friendly but nothing more, she tried comforting him when she found out about his parents.

She still believes that her family's death was her fault. to this day she still fully blames herself for what happened that night, and for the amount of pain it left her sister in. she thinks that she could have done something to stop the incident.
Even though they're long gone, Jane sometimes worries her parents may be disappointed that she turned out the way she did.

Her favourite food is chocolate.

She's a good cook, though she prefers takeout.

She's in therapy for all her issues, she's been in therapy since her parents died.

Jane has always been decent with guns, even before her military training because her dad taught Jane how to use one.

She can be a bit to sarcastic at times, to the point she rubs people the wrong way.

She is very athletic, she used to do gymnastics growing up.

Her and Mary have a 6 year old kid, named Alex.
Though like Jesse, she doesn't want to tell him about her actual job, and just makes up a job.

Jane has a small knife she carries everywhere.

She has a crystal collection, she displays them on a shelf.
Her favourite is a labradorite..

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