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Warnings: cults, cannibalism, mutilation

Kaidy was born into a different cult as Lazari, and they were worshipped, and treated them like royalty, because they were their saviour that was going to save them.
However after they started growing up, they couldn't handle the intense pressure and all the emotional abuse.

Kaidy's mum died giving birth and was looked after by multiple members.
Because of being a half Zalgoid, Kaidy was born 5 months early, this affected their growth.

Everything there was controlled in some way, the way Kaidy dressed, food, thoughts, behaviour, ect.

Kaidy received no education at the cult because it was assumed they already knew it all, they still don't understand it but is trying to grasp their surroundings.

They don't consider all memories from the cult to be horrible, she still has fond memories and even misses their members.

At the age of 8 they had "he come" carved into their back and other various related tatted on their arms, and went into their Zalgoid form for the first time and attacked them out of fear and confusion.
Kaidy was going to be punished and locked in their bare room, but accidentally teleported into the underrealm.
Kaidy knew very little about the underrealm and had no idea how to leave, not even knowing they could teleport.
After going back to normal their skin started changing, they were adjusting to their eyes better and their horns, along with a tail grew in.

Seeing so many demons getting carelessly mauled they had no choice but to protect themselves against the smaller in hopes to get strong to survive and not to be spotted by bigger demons, Kaidy hid away a lot until they were starving and were forced to eat.
This is when they met Rasika, who took pity on them and looked after them.

Kaidy was alone in the underrealm for 1 year before Rasika met them and brought them in.

Because of their lack of childhood, Kaidy is still very childish.

They love the outdoors, they don't like being inside and feel trapped, usually looking at the unique
creatures or climbing the structures, they've  gotten a lot of injuries from it.
Though it's very dangerous Kaidy feels a lot confident after training with Rasika.

Kaidy uses a cane or wheelchair when necessary, though doesn't want to be perceived as weak and tries to ignore the aches and struggles.
Because of their hoof like feet, kaidy especially struggles with running and overall stability.
Their abilities include teleportation, portals and basic shapeshifting.

Kaidy became a perfectionist after the cult and can not do something wrong without having a meltdown.
They feel like people will become irritated and won't like them anymore.

They're super clingy and has no concept of personal space. They stick like glue to Rasika because she was nice to them and showed them attention for longer than 5 minutes and they see no problem sitting literally a centimeter away from Rasika.

They love sour foods even if it doesn't do anything.

They couldn't control their zalgoid form well, only able to go into it when scared or mad enough and for the longest time refused to do anything involving their zalgoid powers.

They hate tattoos or anything that's similar.

They had to adapt to the underrealm quick and made a strict time when they could go out of hiding to hunt, when to change location's in order to not get caught, rationing the food; ect. Throughout their whole life up to meeting Rasika they always had a strict routine to follow and now with Rasika they didn't. Kaidy didn't really know what to do with all this freedom and how to be so relaxed.

They can only see shades of grey.

When they are nervous or anxious they have a tendency to claw at their cuticles and lip.

They had a few broken bones after transforming, most didn't heal correctly. Their arm doesn't work as good as it used because of it.

Kaidy gets nightmares sometimes about the cult and Zalgo.
They have dreams of being strapped down getting tatted all over again, or going into the underrealm for the first time again, getting vigorously mauled to death.
Kaidy wakes in a cold sweat, they used go to Rasika, but as they got older stopped and tried getting over it.

They are perfectly fine with eating people because they know they have to in order to survive.
They'll eat anyone but prefer weaker people because it's easier.

Kaidy learned a lot of the basics about being a Zalgoid by the cult, even though there were a few misconceptions, it helped a lot when Kaidy left.

Kaidy is acquaintances with Senora and was slightly afraid of her, thinking she was a threat.

Kaidy doesn't speak much, they are mostly mute but can say a few words occasionally to people they are close to. This is due to the trauma they endured while living under the cult and underrealm.
They can be a very blunt person and don't know they sometimes hurt people because of their lack of a social life.

They love to draw, their art style is cartoon-like and they use it as a coping mechanism.

They hardened a lot trying to survive in the underrealm and Kaidy hates being looked down on or treated like a child because of it.

They have multiple eyes and have better field of vision, but has trouble with understanding distance accurately, their brain had to adapt to the abnormalities and has sensitivity to light alongside eye strain.
Because of the placement of their eyes, it caused a lot of confusion and disorientation.
They got more used to it after transforming and age.

If they were to get punished they weren't allowed any sustainable food and locked in their bare room.

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